chapter 5+6

Cards (45)

  • stiff (a): cứng
  • stifling (a) (of heat, air, or a room): very hot and causing difficulties in breathing = suffocating
  • humidity (n) sự ẩm ướt
  • lackadaisical (a) not showing enough interest in something or not putting enough effort into it
  • ennui(n) =boredom: a feeling of boredom and lack of interest in life
  • preoccupied (a) with: thinking about something a lot, with the result that you do not pay attention to other things
  • steadfast (a): không dao động
    being certain that you are right about something and refusing to change your opinion in any way (steadfast in)
  • wan (a) looking pale, weak, or tired
  • inextricably (av) linked/bound up/mixed... không thể tách rời
  • a modicum of: a small amount of something, especially a good quality
  • regime (n) chế độ cai trị, chính quyền
  • progressively (av) gradually over a period of time: dần dần
  • wary (a) cautious, careful, or wary of sb/sth
  • exert (v)  to use your power, influence etc in order to make something happen
  • chisel (v) chạm khắc gỗ
  • preach (v) thuyết giáo
  • subconscious (a) thuộc về tiềm thức
  • rally (n) sự tập hợp, cuộc tuần hành
  • protest (n) sự phản kháng
  • rubble (n) gạch vụn
  • casualty (n) someone who is hurt or killed in an accident or war
  • smear (v) vấybẩn
  • acquiesce in/to (v): to agree with or accept something that is said or done
  • artifact (n) hiện vật
  • remnant (n) : a small piece of something that is left over from something larger or more important (tàn dư)
  • falter (v): to speak in a voice that sounds weak and uncertain, and keeps stopping (ấp úng)
  • collide (v) with: to hit something or someone that is moving in a different direction from you
  • deteriorate (v) to become worse
  • mutate (v) biến đổi
  • soar (v) to fly, especially very high up in the sky, floating on air currents
  • enticing (a) = tempting: something that is enticing attracts or interests you a lot 
  • shudder (v) with/at: rùng mình
  • clutch (v) = grip, grasp: to hold something tightly because you do not want to lose it
  • vertebra (n) đốt sống
  • spinal column (n) : spine cột sống
  • maelstrom (n) =whirlpool: a confusing situation full of events or strong emotions that is difficult to understand or deal with
  • incinerate (v) to burn something completely in order to destroy it
  • cocoon (v) to protect or surround someone or something completely, especially so that they feel safe
    be cocooned in something
  • tremor (n)  a small earthquake in which the ground shakes slightly
    a slight shaking movement in your body that you cannot control, especially because you are ill, weak, or upset
  • terrorize (v)to deliberately frighten people by threatening to harm them, especially so they will do what you want
    be terrorized into doing something