Colourless paper chromatography method
1. Place a spot of each solution along a pencil line (the base line) on slotted chromatography paper
2. Place a suitable solvent (ethanoic acid and water for amino acids) at the bottom of a beaker
3. Roll the paper into a cylinder and place it into the beaker, cover it
4. The solvent will rise up the paper, remove the paper before it reaches the top
5. Mark a pencil line on it to show where the solvent has reached (the solvent front)
6. Put the paper in the oven to dry out
7. Spray it with a locating agent to make the amino acids show, then warm the paper in the oven for around 10 minutes
8. Mark a pencil dot at the center of each spot and measure from the origin to the dot and from the origin to the solvent front