Foundations of the economic policies of the Republic of Turkey
Laid with the establishment of the Republic and implemented under the shaping of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk
Atatürk said "No matter how great the military and political victories are, if they are not crowned with an economic victory, they cannot survive and fade away in a short time"
Two modes of economic policy during Atatürk's period
Liberal period between 1923 and 1929
Period in which statist policies were implemented between 1929 and 1938
Liberal period 1923-1929
Liberal economic policies were implemented
Period 1929-1938
Statist policies were implemented due to lack of capital accumulation from liberal policies and impact of 1929 Depression
Izmir Economic Congress in 1923
1. Determine economic policy of new republic
2. 1135 people from across the country discussed problems and proposed solutions for 15 days
Comprehensive ideology advocating state should minimally intervene in economic and social lives of individuals, market should operate according to its own rules based on competition, private property and freedom to contract
Decisions at Izmir Economic Congress aimed to strengthen political independence with economic independence and develop Turkish entrepreneurship
Main principles of liberal policies were generally adopted at the Izmir Economic Congress
Period 1923-1929 carried out according to free market economy principles from Izmir Economic Congress
Free zone
Idea to enable mutual increase in trade with other countries
4/3 of Turkey's population lived in rural areas and made a living from agriculture in early Republic
Agricultural activities were carried out according to traditional, primitive methods and landlordism in some regions
Development of agricultural sector in Turkey started with establishment of Republic, decisions taken and policies implemented
Lack of capital and trained manpower prevented desired development in new Republic
1929-1930 world economic crisis had negative impact on Turkey, reducing export revenues and causing foreign trade deficit
Turkish statism model 1929-1938
Scope of private sector narrowed, state had to undertake duties of enterprises lacking capital to invest in priority sectors and foreign enterprises with economic problems
year development plan 1933-1938
1. Establishment of public economic enterprises like Sümerbank and Etibank
2. Factories established to produce basic consumer goods and nationally produced raw materials
No foreign debt taken during 1929-1938 period, installments of Ottoman debt paid, inflation almost non-existent, 26 tons of gold reserves in Central Bank
Successful high school students sent to European universities on state scholarships to meet human capital needs of new industry
Atatürk organized domestic goods week in 1935s to encourage use of domestic products
Swap/Barter system
International economic activities where countries used each other's currencies, buying as many goods as they sell to avoid trade deficit