18/19: L. Pasteur

Cards (3)

  • Before Louis Pasteur
    • Even Edward Jenner could not explain why vaccination worked.
    • He did not have a powerful microscope.
    • In spite of Jenner’s breakthrough, until the mid 19th century most people continued to believe that miasma (bad air) caused smallpox.
  • Louis Pasteur laid the foundations for... (after)
    • 1861: Pasteur published his germ theory.
    • 1865: He had proved the link between germs and disease.
    • 1881: developed a vaccine for anthrax
    • 1885: developed a vaccine for rabies. He influenced Robert Koch
  • Louis Pasteur's discovery
    • Louis Pasteur, an admirer of Jenner, though that vaccination could be used to prevent other diseases.
    • With a microscope he discovered micro-organisms growing in the liquid. He believed that germs appeared to be germinating/growing and causing the problem.
    • Discovered that the microscopic bacteria which turned beer bad could also be killed by heating e.g. pasteurisation.
    • 1861: Pasteur published his germ theory which proved that bacteria caused diseases. In his search for disease treatments, he created the first vaccines for anthrax, and rabies