
Cards (16)

  • Brain
    Divided into four main parts: brainstem, diencephalon, cerebrum, cerebellum
  • Brainstem
    • Controls breathing, heartbeat rates and reactions to auditory and visual stimuli
  • Diencephalon
    • Controls homeostasis
  • Cerebrum
    • Controls intellectual processes and emotions
  • Cerebellum
    • Maintains body posture and balance
  • Protection of the brain
    Cranial bones, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid, ventricles, interventricular foramen
  • Neurons
    Functional unit of the nervous system
  • Neurotransmitters
    Chemicals released by neurons to transmit signals to other cells
  • Cerebral hemispheres
    • Frontal lobe: muscle movement, moods, aggression, smell, motivation
    • Parietal lobe: touch, pain, balance, taste, temperature
    • Temporal lobe: hearing, smell, memory, abstract thought, judgment
    • Occipital lobe: vision
  • Cerebellum
    • Coordinating muscular movements, maintaining posture, maintaining balance
  • Limbic system
    Brain structure generally located under the cerebral cortex, above the brain stem, responsible for the regulation of emotion, memory and behavior
  • Limbic system structures
    • Amygdala, cingulate cortex, thalamus, hypothalamus, hippocampus
  • Autonomic Nervous System
    Subdivision of efferent PNS, functions without conscious effort, regulates functions of internal organs, assists in maintaining homeostasis, helps deal with emergency situations
  • Sympathetic division
    • Increases heartbeat and breathing rates, neurotransmitters: acetylcholine and norepinephrine
  • Parasympathetic division

    • Stimulates digestion, urination, and defecation, neurotransmitter: acetylcholine
  • 12 Cranial Nerves
    • (I) Olfactory: smell
    • (II) Optic: sight
    • (III) Oculomotor: movement of eyeball, constriction of pupil
    • (IV) Trochlear: movement of eyeball
    • (V) Trigeminal: chewing, sensations in teeth
    • (VI) Abducens: movement of eyeball
    • (VII) Facial: facial expression, taste, tear and salivary glands
    • (VIII) Vestibulocochlear: equilibrium, hearing
    • (IX) Glossopharyngeal: swallowing, taste, salivary glands
    • (X) Vagus: certain muscle movements, sensory impulses
    • (XI) Accessory: swallowing, head movement
    • (XII) Hypoglossal: swallowing, speech