Unit 7

Cards (28)

  • Closed ended Questions
    Offer respondents a limited number of response options
  • Cluster Sampling
    Clusters of individuals are identified and sampled, then all individuals in each cluster are included in the sample
  • Confidence interval
    Serves as a range of plausible values that are likely to be observed, if the study was repeated
    • Wider confidence interval the more uncertainty
  • Convenience Sampling

    Non probability sampling that involves selecting participants based on how easily attainable they are
  • External Validity
    The degree to which study results may be generalized to the population from which the sample was taken
  • Focus Group
    A qualitative method of data collection in which six to ten people are interviewed together about a particular topic
  • Graphic rating scale
    A type of closed ended response scale where two words appear on either side of a solid line. The participant places a mark and then that mark is measured in terms of distance from one end
  • Inattentive Responding
    Responding to survey questions without reading the question
  • Interviewer Bias
    Intentional or unintentional influence on a respondent exerted by an interviewer which might encourage certain responses
  • Non Probability Sampling
    A type of sampling where one can't specidy the probability that any member of the population will be included in the sample
  • Open ended Questions
    Allow respondents to answer in anyway they want
  • Panel Study
    In survey research, administering questions to the same people at two or more points in time
  • Population
    The group of people of interest to the researcher that the sample os drawn from
  • Probability Sampling
    Sampling procedure where one can specify the probability that any member of the population will be included in the sample
  • Purposive Sampling
    Type of convenience sampling procedure conducted to obtain predetermined types of individuals for the sample
  • Quote Sampling
    The sample is chosen to reflect the numerical composition of various subgroups in the population
  • Random Sampling
    When everyone in a given population is equally likely to have been selected to participate in the study
  • Rating scale
    Closed ended response option that asks participants to indicate the degree to which they agree with a particular statement
  • Response Rate
    The percentage of people selected for a sample who actually complete a survey
  • Response set
    A pattern of responding to questions that is not related to the content of the questions themselves and then provides inaccurate information
  • Sampling
    The process of choosing members of a population of interest to be included in a sample that is studied
  • Sampling error
    The degree to which the estimate based on a sample deviates from the true population value
  • Sampling frame
    The individuals in a population who might actually be selected for inclusion in the sample
  • Semantic Differential Scale
    A type of closed ended response where two words appear on either side of a series of dash lines participants then place a mark on the dash indicating their preference for either word
  • Simple Random Sample
    Each member of the population has an equal probability of being included in the sample
  • Stratified Random Sampling
    The population is divided into strata followed by random sampling from each stratum
  • Survey Research
    Questionnaires and interviews carefully designed to gather information from people about themselves
  • Yea-saying or nay-saying response sets
    When the respondent agrees or disagrees with the majority of questions being asked, regardless of the question content
    • produces error in measurement