DNA function

Cards (4)

  • How does DNA work?
    DNA stores genetic information, forming a double helix structure composed of nucleotides (one phosphate, one deoxyribose sygar and one nitrogenous base), which encode genes and undergo replication for inheritance
  • RNA
    Is a nucleic acid and contains sugar ribose and uracil (instead of thymine). It is shorter and single stranded. RNA cannot self replicate.
  • Amino Acids
    Building blocks to make proteins. Functions of protein is building tissues, digesting food and strengthening immune system. The sequence of 3 RNA nucleotides is called a triplet codon and act as instructions that tell cells which amino acids, to use when making proteins
  • Transcription and Translation
    Transcription is the process of copying genetic information from DNA into mRNA. Translation is the process of decoding mRNA to synthesize proteins.
    EG: Transcription: DNA to mRNA; Translation: mRNA to protein; processes where genetic information is used to synthesize proteins.