
Cards (4)

  • Laws of Genetics
    Law of Dominance and Uniformity: One of the pairs of inherited traits win to be dominant and others recessive unless both factors are recessive.
    Law of Segregation: When organism makes gametes, each gamete receives just one gene copy which is selected randomly
    Independent Assortment: Various traits on different genes don't affect each other's ability to be inherited or expressed. All combinations of alleles are equally likely.
  • Phenotype VS Genotype
    Physical traits expressed that are passed from parents, genetic information passed from parents
  • Homozygous VS Heterozygous 

    Same allele (bb) VS different allele (Bb)
  • Dominant VS Recessive Genes
    Dominant genes mask other characteristics and represented in capital letters. Recessive genes are masked by dominant ones and expressed in lowercase.