They did not know that disease was caused by different microbes or bacteria. He carried out his work at the same time as Pasteur.
Robert Koch's discovery
He began to apply Pasteur’s ideas to human diseases.
He created the science of bacteriology.
He identified the bacteria which caused anthrax, TB and cholera.
1884: he found cholera in drinking water in India, which proved it was spread in water supplies.
This confirmed John Snow's theory of why cholera had spread in London in 1854.
Koch also developed a medium for growing bacteria and a way of staining them so that they could be seen more easily.
Robert Koch laid the foundations for... (after)
Doctors began to study disease itself, rather than studying and treating symptoms.
He made it easier for other scientists to identify and study bacteria, such as diphtheria and pneumonia, because of his staining technique.
In the 1880s and 1890s rapid progress was made in identifying the bacteria that caused disease and in developing vaccines. Governments supported scientific research with money.