
Cards (11)

    SX= at L5/S1, pain
    DX= image w MRI
    TX= might not need surgery. Neuro issues get neurology/orthopedic surgery. Get PT, ice, water therapy/injections. Leminectomy/discectomy for surgery
    SX= low back pain. Palpation of vertebrae doesn’t cause bony tenderness.
    PE= straighten lumbar spine. Pain along para spinal muscles, ROM causes pain/difficulty. strength/reflexes/skin sensation/DTRs/straight leg raise all normal
    TX= ice 1-2wks→heat, NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, stretch, image if no improvement in 4-6wks. PT
    PATHO= defect/stress fracture in pars interarticularis of vertebral arch, hyperextension at L4-L5/L5-S1
    SX= pain
    DX RADIOLOGY= XR shows “collared scotty dog”
    PATHO= inflam arthritis of the spine that can be disabling due to fusion of the spine
    SX= <40 yo(15-35yo). Uveitis, psoriasis, IBD, aortic regurg, pulm fibrosis. Involved spine/sacroiliac joints. Pain radiates to the buttocks. Low back pain (stiff/pain in AM, better w exercise, pain at night, dec mobility if fusion starts)
    DX RADIOLOGY= “bamboo spine and dagger sign” on XR. Pt has HLA-B27 gene, elevated CRP/ESR
    TX= NSAIDs, DMARDs, methotrexate, TNF
    SX= fever w non-traumatic back pain. Ask abt IVDA. focal/severe back pain. Nerve root/radicular sx. Motor weakness, sens changes. bladder/bowel dysf. Paralysis.
    DX= MRI
    TX= surgical and abx URGENT
  • CAUDA EQUINA SYN (lower part) aka SPINAL CORD COMPRESSION (whole spine)
    SX= pain, motor weakness, sensory findings, late bowel/bladder findings. Can be asym/bilateral. Weak plantar flexion of feet w loss of ankle jerks w mid-cauda equina lesion of S1/S2 roots. S3-S5 involvement means bladder/rectal sphincter paralysis.
    • Requires urgent attention to decompress nerves and will have sx for life if not addressed fast
    TX= laminectomy, discectomy, spinal fusion
    SX= 60 yo+ narrowing of spinal canal from something pushing posteriorly (osteoarthritis changes, herniated disk, trauma, spondylolisthesis), bending forward/sitting eases pain. Neurogenic claudication and LE pain in weight bearing/walking.
    • Gradual sx onset, numb/tingle/weak in foot/leg. pain/cramp in one/both legs with prolonged standing.
    DX RADIOLOGY= MRI or CT myelogram
    TX= PT, epidural injections, water therapy, surgery to decompress spine
    SX= Neuro=pain, dysesthesia, numb, weak, hand atrophy
    • Venous=forearm fatigue quick, pain and cyanosis
    • Arterial= hand ischemia w pain, pallor, paresthesia, cold
    NOTES= scalene triangle is predominantly involved and there is brachial plexus compression and the subclavian artery. Example is pt cannot hold golf club
    1. Describe the “red flags” that indicate the need for early imaging for a patient with back pain.
    Fever w back pain, severe/progressive neurologic deficit (bowel/bladder dysf (saddle paresthesia), minor osteoporotic pts, major trauma in older pts/acute bony tenderness, hx of cancer/WL, recent bacterial inf, IVDU, fever/night sweats, immune suppression, extremes of age, hx of recent spinal instrumentation.
  • appropriate imaging for a patient with a suspected spinal infection or abscess. 
    1. patient presentation that does not require immediate radiographic imaging. 
    Muscle strain w no pain radiating or loss of sensation anywhere