rosy periwinkle

Cards (5)

  • location
    Indigenous to Madagascar and is common in sub-tropical areas
  • growing conditions
    Dry, nutritionally deficient conditions and the temperature never falls below 7 degrees Celsius. Has a year long flowering period. Needs well drained soil and warm temperatures around 27 degrees.
  • medicinal uses
    leaves- alkaloids (nitrogen containing compounds) which have anti-cancer agents that are harvested. The vincristine is used to increase survival rates of childhood leukaemia to 90%. Vinblastine is used to treat Hodgkin's disease and it can help to induce vomiting which acts as a poison remedy.
    Flower- asthma remedy
    Roots- laxative and a haemostatic (stops bleeding)
  • International trade
    Global sales of vincristine and vinblastine are worth hundreds of millions dollars to a US pharmaceutical company (Eli Lily).75
    Little profit to locals
    Worth over £75 million annually
    Cultivated in Asia as it is cheaper for pharmaceutical companies to grow.
  • biopiracy= the illegal trade of plants and animals
    Deprives Madagascar of valuable trade and exports
    This hinders the countrys economic growth
    The french government (MMP) in 2013 addressed this issue
    The EU have made new legislations to make companies use sustainable methods