
Cards (28)

  • Subjectivity
    Judgement based on personal impressions and feelings rather than external factors
  • Objectivity
    Judgement based on the truth which is also usually known as a fact
  • Value freedom
    The notion that social research should not be influenced by the researcher's beliefs and ideas
  • Value laden
    Statements that refer to something being in a good or bad way. This may be bias.
  • Value-committed
    One who seeks to link academic work to a vision of a better world
  • Positivists
    • Think that sociology should be totally value free, it should study observational factors like social facts that can be recorded as quantitative data
  • Interpretivists
    • Believe that sociology cannot be value-free because it is the process of humans studying other humans
  • Subjectivity is the idea that judgement is based on people's personal impressions and feelings rather than factors
  • Objectivity is the idea that judgement is based on truth, otherwise known as a fact
  • Value freedom is the notion that social research should not be influenced by the researcher's beliefs and ideas
  • Value laden are the statements which make reference to something, whether it is good or bad
  • Value-committed is the process of linking academic work to a vision of a better world
  • Positivists think that sociology should be totally value free because it should focus on observational factors like social facts that can be recorded as quantitative data
  • Interpretivists think that sociology cannot be value free because it is the process of humans investigating other humans
  • Sociology has now become 'problem takers' rather than 'problem makers' by hiring themselves to address the problems
  • Subjectivity is judgement based on personal impressions and feelings rather than external factors
  • Objectivity is judgement based on truth, otherwise known as a fact
  • Value laden – statements that refer to something whether it is good or bad
  • Value-committed is the process of seeking academic work to link with a vision of a better world
  • Positivists think that sociology should be totally value free and it should study observational factors like social facts that can be recorded as quantitative research
  • Interpretivists think that sociology cannot be totally value free because it is the process of humans studying other humans
  • Gouldner says it is impossible to be totally value free in research because research is ultimately based on who it is carried out by and their personal agenda
  • Weber is a social action theorist who claims that sociology should be value free, but it isn't
  • Sociologists will use their subjective feeling to identify a topic and stay relevant
  • Bierstedt claims that is research is truly objective, it should be independent of any subjective elements which any personal desires may have
  • Gouldner says it is impossible to be completely value free because it is ultimately based on who the research is carried out by and their personal agenda
  • Sociologists use their subjective feeling to identify a topic and stay relevant
  • Bierstedt claims that if research is truly objective, it should be independent of any subjective elements which any personal desires one may have