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    • What is the functionalism perspective on social policy?
      They see society as built on harmony + consensus and free from major conflicts. They see the state as acting in interests of society as a whole and it's social policy as being good for all. Functionalists sees policies as helping family perform it's functions effectively via making life better for members.
    • What did Fletcher (1966) say about social policy?
      Introduction of health, education and housing policies in years since the industrial revolution has gradually led to development of welfare state that supports family in performing functions.
    • Fletcher (1966) II

      This means that the existence of National health services means that with the help of doctors and nurses the family can take care of it's family when sick.
    • What are the criticisms of functionalism perspective on policies?
      Assumes that all members of the family benefits from it equally. Feminists argues that it benefits men at expenses of females.
    • Criticisms of functionalism on policies II
      Assumes there is a march of progress. Marxist says that policies can turn the clock via cutting off welfare benefits.
    • Donzelot " policing of the family" - Social policy
      Has a conflict approach. He sees social policy as means of exerting state power and control over families. Uses Foucalt concept of surveillance.
    • Donzelot + Foucalt
      Foucalt sees state power being used over families e.g. social wprkers, health visitors, doctors, etc exercising power over clients by using knowledge to turn them into cases to be dealt with.
    • Donzelot + Faucalt II
      surveillance is not targeted equally on social classes. The poor are more likely to be seen as a problem families and cause of crime. These are the families that professionals target for improvement > Rachael Condry ( 2007 )
    • Donzelot + Foucalt > Rachael condry
      states that the state may seek to control and regulate family life via compulsory parenting orders through courts. Parents of YO may be forced to attend parenting classes. Donzelot rejects functionalist MOP. Sees policy as control.
    • Criticism of Donzelot on policies
      Marxists + Fems criticise him. Marxists argues that policies operates generally in interest of Captalist class. Fems argue that men benefits.
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