Cards (10)

  • Environmental destruction...
    • Disruption to habitats = decrease in biodiversity = decrease of food webs
  • Decreased yield…
    • = less profit = farmers out of business
    • Reduced UK food production = move foreign imported food = increased carbon emissions
  • Linking Tonbridge to Five Oak Green means…
    • Increased pressure on their services
    • Increased traffic on busy commuter roads = more congestion = more pollution
  • *Potential* railway station site…
    • Only built once 1900 homes are complete
    • Before that = more pressure on roads
  • The development has a surrounding greenfield site…
    • Could be at greater risk of future development or expansion
  • Poor road infrastructure…
    = lots of B roads = potential for congestion = CO2 emissions increase
  • Gently sloped areas=…
    • higher risk of flooding = higher insurance costs
  • The development can spoil the views of The High Weald…
    = making the area less desirable = house prices may drop
  • New houses will not match the existing building style=…
    • changes the character of the area = locals > outsiders
  • The development will reduce the amount of green space…=
    Less places for leisure for locals = a decline in health + increased risk of illness