fair value is the price that would received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
in using the cost model, after initial recognition intangible assets should be carried at cost less accumulated amortization and impairment losses.
in using the revaluation model, intangible assets may be carried at a revalued amount (based on fair value) less any subsequent amortization and impairment losses only if fair value can be determined be reference to an active market.
the present value of the fresh cash flows expected to be derived from an asset or cash generating unit is called value in use.
the accounting standards used in the Philippines are adapted from the standards issued by the
International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
it is the branch of accounting that focuses on the preparation of general purpose financial statements.
Financial Accounting
events that do not involve an external party.
internal events
this concept defines the area of interests of the accountant. it determines which transactions are recognized in the books of accounts and which are not.
separate entity
the process of identifying, measuring, analyzing, and communicating financial information needed by management to plan, evaluate, and control an organization's operation is called
managerial accounting
it is the official standard setting body in the Philippines. it is composed of a chairperson and 14 members.
Financial Reporting Standards Council (FRSC)
financial reporting standards continuously change primarily in response to
users' needs
the ability through consensus among measures to ensure that information represents what it purports to represent is an example of the concept of
according to the conceptual framework, the pervasive constraints on the information that can be provided by financial reporting is
information on the utilization of economic resources is most useful when assessing an entity's
management stewardship
this refers to the comparability of financial statements of the same entity but in different periods
according to pas 1, the judgements and estimates embodied in the financial statements, for example, materiality judgements, assessments of uncertainty and risk, and the like, are the responsibility of the entity's
materiality does not make any difference with regard to
intentional errors
the transfer of resources from the government to an entity in exchange for past or future compliance with certain conditions is called Government grants.
Direct method - this method of presenting cash flows from (used in) operating activities shows each major class of gross cash receipts and gross cash payments.
temporary difference - these are difference that have future tax consequences.
permanent differences - no future tax consequences
different company, same period
same company, different periods
when information about two different entities has been prepared and presented in a similar manner, the information exhibits the characteristics of comparability.
according to the conceptual framework, physical count of inventory is an example of direct verification.
these are the end product of the financial reporting process and the means by which information gathered and processed is periodically communicated to users.
financial statements
this type of presentation of statement of financial position does not show distinctions between current and noncurrent items.
unclassified presentation
financial statement would be dated as at a certain date
statement of financial position
inventories are measured at
lower of cost and fair value
an entity that presents its first PFRS financial statements is referred to under PFRS 1 as a
first-time adopter
PFRS 1 requires an entity to prepare and present an
opening PFRS statement of financial position
the beginning of the earliest period for which an entity presents full comparative information under PFRS in its first PFRS financial statements
the date to transition to PFRS
under pfrs 1, the early application of pfrs that have not yet become effective as of the current reporting period
is permitted, but not required
retrospective application of accounting policies means
as if pfrs have been used all along
Many shares and most share options are not traded in an active market. Therefore, it is often difficult to arrive at a fair value of the equity instruments being issued. Which of the following option valuation techniques should not be used as a measure of fair value in the first instance?
Intrinsic value.
the date on which the acquirer obtains control of the acquiree
acquisition date
the statement of profit or loss includes?
discontinued operations
assets that are classified as held for sale under pfrs 5 are
not depreciated
according to pfrs 5, gains and losses on remeasurement of assets held for sale are
recognized in profit or loss
according to pfrs 5, the assets and liabilities of a disposal group are presented
separately on the face of the statement of financial position