Multi-store memory model

Cards (9)

  • Who created the multi memory model?
    Atkinson and shiffrin
  • How do you transfer STM to the LTM?
  • How do transfer LTM back to STM?
  • How to get sensory register to STM?
  • How does HM support the MSM?
    Had damage to his hippocampus, which affected his STM. As he could not retain STM, this affected his LTM meaning he couldnt make any new memories.
  • How does Clive wearing support the MSM?
    Shows that the STM and LTM are different, as he could not make any memories.
  • How does KF not support the MSM?
    He could process visual information but not verbal information, meaning there must be different types of STM.
  • How do brain scans support the MSM?
    Different parts of the brain light up when the short term memory is activated and LTM. STM = frontal cortex LTM = hippocampus
  • How does Tulving’s LTM compare to the MSM?
    Shows different types of long term memory, explains why Clive could do skills such as playing piano, but can’t remember episodes or events in life