How Sugar Affects The Body

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  • Symptoms of high blood sugar
    • Thirsty
    • Tired
    • Production of large volumes of urine containing sugar
  • Symptoms of low blood sugar
    • Trembling
    • Dizziness
    • Tired and irritable
    • Difficulty concentrating
    • If low enough - drowsy or loss of consciousness
  • Many processed foods have added sugar
  • What happens when you consume a lot of sugar in one go?
    Causes a surge in the hormone insulin (which tries to remove the sugar from your blood)
  • What happens when too much sugar is removed from the blood?
    Causes a sugar high to be followed by a sugar low
  • Diets that are high in fibre and complex carbohydrates:
    Can help to maintain a constant blood sugar level: Human body doesn't break down fibre, Sugar is absorbed more slowly, Blood sugar levels rise more slowly, The body is able to remove the sugar before levels become too high
  • Blood Sugar Levels and Hormones
    1. When blood sugar is high insulin is secreted by the pancreas, Insulin absorbs blood sugar
    2. When blood sugar is too low, the hormone glucagon is secreted by the pancreas, Glucagon causes the liver to break down stored carbohydrates to release glucose
  • The pancreas secretes
    • Insulin
    • Glucagon
  • The pancreas secretes
    The liver breaks down carbohydrates to release glucose
  • Blood sugar level is brought back to the steady state by
    Insulin and glucagon working antagonistically. This is an example of negative feedback.
  • Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes
    • Pancreas stops making enough insulin, Blood sugar levels can rise dangerously high, People need several daily injections of insulin to control blood sugar, People may need to prick their finger to check blood sugar levels
    • People must be careful what they eat, People with poor diet, inactive lifestyle, or who are obese, The body stops making enough insulin for your needs or your cells stop being able to use the insulin properly, People must regularly exercise and eat careful to help control blood sugar levels