Absorption and Action spectra

Cards (8)

  • Absorption spectra:
    • graph that shows absorbance of different wavelengths of light by a particular pigment
  • Chlorophylls
    • absorb blue-violet and red regions of light spectrum
  • Carotenoids
    • absorbs wavelengths of light (mainly in blue-violet region) of spectrum
  • Absoprtion spectra graph
  • Action spectra:
    • graph showing the rate of photosynthesis at different wavelengths of light
    • Rate of photosynthesis is highest at blue-violet and red regions of light spectrum
    • these are the wavelengths of light that plants can absorb (Wavelength of light that chlorophyll and carotenoids can absorb)
  • Diagram 2
  • Strong correlation between the cumulative absorption spectra of all pigments and action spectrum:
    • both graphs have two main peaks (Blue-violet and red)
    • Both have a trough at the green-yellow region of light spectrum
  • Diagram C: