
Cards (588)

  • Science
    An organized body of knowledge gathered over a long period of time to explain the world we live in
  • Science
    Knowledge or a system covering general truths or the operation of general laws especially as obtained and tested through scientific method
  • Scientific Method
    1. Identifying the problem (Questioning)
    2. Gathering Preliminary data
    3. Formulating a hypothesis
    4. Testing of the hypothesis
    5. Analysis and Interpretation of data
    6. Drawing of Conclusion
  • Independent Variable
    Variable changed by the experimenter
  • Dependent Variable
    Variable that responds to the variable that is changed in the experiment
  • Experimental group

    Groups that receive treatment
  • Control group
    Opposite of Experimental
  • Hypothesis
    What we think the answer to the question is and it should stated in terms of the variables defined
  • Scientific law
    A description of a natural occurrence that has been observed many times
  • Scientific theory
    A reasonable explanation of a scientific law. It is derived from a hypothesis that has been supported by repeated testing
  • Model
    Helps visualize occurrences and objects that cannot be observed directly
  • Scientific laws and theories cannot be proven absolutely. They are maintained as all observations support them
  • In science, the metric system is used in all measurements for its convenience and simplicity
  • The International System of Units (SI) uses the seven base quantities and units
    • Mass (Kilogram, kg)
    • Length (Meter, m)
    • Time (Second, s)
    • Amount of Substance (Mole, mol)
    • Temperature (Kelvin, K)
    • Electric current (Ampere, A)
    • Luminous intensity (Candela, cd)
  • Significant digits
    No. of certain digits + one certain digit (0 or 5)
  • Lithosphere is the solid part and the largest portion of the earth
  • Hydrosphere is the liquid part and it covers about 71% of the earth's surface
  • Atmosphere is the gaseous portion that envelops the earth
  • Biosphere is the region where living things are found
  • Types of rocks
    • Igneous
    • Sedimentary
    • Metamorphic
  • Igneous rocks

    Formed from hardened magma and lava
  • Igneous rocks
    • Rhyolite
    • Granite
    • Basalt
  • Sedimentary rocks
    Form from deposited fragments or particles of other rocks that have been weathered and eroded
  • Sedimentary rocks
    • Limestone
    • Conglomerate
    • Dolomite
    • Shale
  • Metamorphic rocks

    Rocks that have undergone changes due to heat and pressure
  • Rocks are made up of minerals which are either elements or compounds
  • Weathering
    All processes which combine to cause the disintegration and chemical alteration of rocks at or near earth surface
  • Erosion
    Includes all the process of loosening, removal, and transportation which tend to wear away the earth's surface
  • Lithification
    The conversion of unconsolidated sediment into solid rock
  • Meteorology
    The study of the earth's atmosphere, weather and climate
  • Weather
    The daily condition of the earth's atmosphere
  • Climate
    General conditions of temperature and precipitation in a large area over a long period of time
  • Gases found in the atmosphere
    • Nitrogen (about 78%)
    • Oxygen (21%)
    • Other gases (water vapor, CO2, O3)
  • Layers in the atmosphere
    • Troposphere
    • Stratosphere
    • Mesosphere
    • Ionosphere
    • Exosphere
  • Troposphere
    Layer where life exists and where different weather conditions prevail
  • Stratosphere
    Contains ozone that serves as a protective shield against UV rays and where jetstream is found
  • Mesosphere
    Layer where meteoroids that enter the earth's atmosphere are burned
  • Ionosphere
    Contains ions that are used for radio communications
  • Exosphere
    Orbit space for artificial satellites
  • Winds
    Movement of air caused by the uneven temperature and pressure in the atmosphere