CNS: Central Nervous System, consists of the brain and spinal cord.
PNS: Peripheral Nervous System, consists of all the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord
2 different systems: Somatic nervous system & Autonomic nervous system
Somatic nervous system - controls conscious activities
Autonomic nervous system - controls unconscious activites
Autonomic system is split into Sympathetic and Parasympathetic nervous systems
Sympathetic - ' fight or flight', prepares body for action
Parasympathetic - 'rest & digest' calms body down
Autonomic system concerned with control of heart rate
Cardiac muscle is MYOGENIC- contracts and relaxes without signals from nerves
process of HR:
begins in Sinoatrial node, SAN - pacemaker - sets heartbeat rhythm by sending regular waves of electrical activity to atrial walls
Bundle of non-conducting collagen tissue prevents waves of electrical activity to travel to the ventricles from atria-> instead travel to the Atrioventricular node
AVN passes waves of electrical activity to bundle of His
slight delay before ANS reacts
Bundle of His conducts waves from ventricles to apex of heart
BOH splits into Purkyne tissues
Purkyne tissue in l & r ventricle muscular walls -simultaneous contraction
small mass of tissue at the top of the right atrium wall and at the opening of the superior Vena Cava
PACEMAKER- at regular intervals sens waves of electrical activity to atrial walls
Passes ave of electrical impulse to bundle of His
slight delay before it acts to ensure atria is empty
located in the interatrial septum
Bundle of His - A bundle of muscle fibers that contracts to pump blood through the heart.
split into finer muscle fibres in left and right muscular walls in ventricles
in endocardium
After apex of heart contracts, during systole the papillary muscle contract to prevent backflow of blood by closing of AV valves - attached to AV by chordae tendinae