
Cards (16)

  • DSM-5 categories of phobia
    • Specific phobia
    • Social anxiety (social phobia)
    • Agoraphobia
  • Phobias
    • Excessive fear and anxiety, triggered by an object, place or situation
    • Fear is out of proportion to any real danger presented by the phobic stimulus
  • Specific phobia
    Phobia of an object, such as an animal or body part, or a situation such as flying or having an injection
  • Social anxiety (social phobia)

    Phobia of a social situation such as public speaking or using a public toilet
  • Agoraphobia
    Phobia of being outside or in a public place
  • Behavioural characteristics of phobias

    • Feeling high levels of anxiety and trying to escape
    • Fear responses are the same as for any other fear even if the level of fear is irrational
  • Panic
    A person with a phobia may panic in response to the presence of the phobic stimulus, involving behaviours like crying, screaming or running away. Children may react differently, e.g. freezing, clinging or having a tantrum.
  • Avoidance
    The person goes to a lot of effort to prevent coming into contact with the phobic stimulus, which can interfere with daily life
  • Endurance
    The person chooses to remain in the presence of the phobic stimulus and keep a wary eye on it
  • Anxiety
    Phobias are classed as anxiety disorders, involving an unpleasant state of high arousal that prevents relaxation and positive emotion. Anxiety can be long term.
  • Fear
    The immediate and extremely unpleasant response experienced when encountering or thinking about a phobic stimulus. It is usually more intense but experienced for shorter periods than anxiety.
  • Cognitive characteristics of phobias
    • People with phobias process information about phobic stimuli differently from other objects or situations
    • Selective attention to the phobic stimulus
    • Irrational beliefs
    • Cognitive distortions
  • Selective attention to the phobic stimulus
    If a person can see the phobic stimulus it is hard to look away from it
  • Irrational beliefs
    A person with a phobia may hold unfounded thoughts in relation to phobic stimuli that don't have any basis in reality
  • Cognitive distortions
    The perceptions of a person with a phobia may be inaccurate and unrealistic
  • Emotional characteristics of phobias

    emotional response is unreasonable