The cognitive approach to explaining depression

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  • Beck's negative triad (Aaron Beck)

    A cognitive approach to explaining why some people are more vulnerable to depression than others
  • Beck's cognitive vulnerability
    • Faulty information processing
    • Negative self-schema
    • The negative triad
  • Faulty information processing
    Depressed people attend to the negative aspects of a situation and ignore positives
  • Faulty information processing
    • If I was depressed and won £1 million on the Lottery, I might focus on the fact that the previous week someone had won £10 million, rather than focus on the positive of all I could do with £1 million
    • People also tend to blow small problems out of proportion and think in 'black-and-white' terms
  • Schema
    A 'package of ideas and information developed through experience. They act as a mental framework for the interpretation of sensory information
  • Self-schema
    The package of information people have about themselves. People use schema to interpret the world, so if a person has a negative self-schema they interpret all information about themselves in a negative way
  • Negative triad
    Three types of negative thinking that occur automatically, regardless of the reality of what is happening at the time
  • Elements of the negative triad
    • Negative view of the world
    • Negative view of the future
    • Negative view of the self
  • Negative view of the world
    • 'the world is a cold hard place. This creates the impression that there is no hope anywhere
  • Negative view of the future
    • 'there isn't much chance that the economy will really get better' Such thoughts reduce any hopefulness and enhance depression
  • Negative view of the self
    • 'I am a failure!' Such thoughts enhance any existing depressive feelings because they confirm the existing emotions of lowself-esteem
  • Strength of Becks cognitive model of depression
    • Existence of supporting research
    David and Aaron Beck concluded that not only was cognitive vulnerability more common in depressed people, but they predicted the depression.
    Joseph confirmed this by tracking the development of 473 adolescence and found that showing cognitive vulnerability predicted later depression.
    • Shows that there is an association between cognitive vulnerability and
  • Ellis's ABC model
    A - Activating event
    B - Beliefs
    C - Consequences
  • Albert Ellis
    • Suggested a cognitive explanation of depression and proposed that good mental health is the result of rational thinking
  • Rational thinking
    Thinking in ways that allow people to be happy and free from pain
  • Irrational thoughts

    Any thoughts that interfere with us being happy and free from pain (not illogical or unrealistic)
  • Ellis's ABC model
    A - Activating event (external events that trigger irrational beliefs)
    B - Beliefs (irrational beliefs like 'musturbation', 'I-can't-stand-it-itis', 'Utopianism')
    C - Consequences (emotional and behavioural consequences of irrational beliefs)
  • Strength of Ellis‘s is ABC model

    real world application
    • Ellis’s approach to cognitive therapy is rational emotive behaviour therapy, which is when a therapist vigourously arguses with a depressed person to alter the irrational beliefs that are making them unhappy.
    • there is evidence to support the idea that are REBT can change both negative beliefs and relieve the symptoms of depression by David.
    • means that REBT has real world value.
  • Limitation of Ellis’s model
    it only explains reactive and not endogenous depression