COR 015

Cards (31)

  • Philosophy- the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.
  • pythagoras- he treated philosophy as a way of life and gave emphasis on contemplation.
  • Thales- He is considered as the father of western philosophy and is regarded as one of the seven sage of ancient Greece
  • Heraclitus- he claimed that everything is changing and believed that the only permanent in this world is change.
  • Socrates- he turned his inquiry on the human person and human living.
  • Aristotle- he claimed that man is not solely a soul but a body endowed with life
  • Plato- he claimed that man is a soul. he defined the soul as the self-initiating motion or the source of motion.
  • Theoritical philosophy- it studies the principle of human knowledge. this branch is more concered onthe origin of knowledge
  • epistemology- the study of knowledge
  • Theodicy- the study of god on logical abstraction
  • Practical philosophy- uses philosophical methods and insights to explore how people can lead wiser and more reflective lives.
  • Logic- the study of correct thinking and valid reasoning
  • Ethics- the study of morality and right living
  • Axiology- the study of values
  • Spectulative approach- is an approach in philosophy which tries to bring together all the sciences.
  • Analytic Approach - an approach in philosophy in which all fundamental assumptions for all the sciences are analyzed.
  • Ontology - the study of being, existence, and reality.
  • Metaphysics - the study of reality and existence
  • philosopher - a person who is interested in the nature of reality and the fundamental questions of life
  • Pythagoras - he call his self as a lover of philosophy but do not consider himself as a genius
  • Thales: (624–545 BC), Greek philosopher, mathematician, and astronomer, living at Miletus. Judged by Aristotle to be the founder of physical science, he is also credited with discovering the principles of geometry. He proposed that water was the primary substance from which all things were derived, and consider as one of the 7 wise man
  • pythagoras: (570 - 495BC ) He treated philosophy as a way of life and give emphasis on contemplation. he believe in recarnation. he made a important contribution to mathematics.
  • Heraclitus: (535 - 475), Greek philosopher. He believed that fire is the origin of all things and that permanence is an illusion, everything being in a (harmonious) process of constant change.
  • pre socratic- concerned themselves with the physical world
  • Socrates- he turn his inquiry on the human person and human living. in his mind, knowledge is virtue
  • Rene Descartes - he believe that everything we know is made because of our senses
  • rational element - it is the one who controls bodily and spirited element
  • base on plato there are 3 parts of a soul namely rational, spirited, bodily.
  • aristotle said that there are three kind of soul namely vegetative, locomotion, and rational
  • the locomotive is the soul of animal and has a power of reproduction, assimulation, locomotion, and sensation
  • the rational is the soul of human and has a power of reproduction, assimilation, locomotion, sensation, and reason