
Cards (6)

  • Solid Liquid and Gas
    A) very close
    B) close
    C) far apart
    D) regular pattern
    E) randomly arranged
    F) vibrate around a fixed posistion
    G) moves quickly in all directions
    H) highest energy
    I) low energy
  • The particle theory of matter is a model that describes the arrangement and movement of particles in a substance. The model is used to explain the physical properties of solids, liquids and gases.
  • Solids
    have a fixed volume and shape, they cannot flow because their particles cannot move from place to place. They cannot be easily compressed because there is no space for the particles to go.
  • Liquids
    have a fixed volume but not a fixed shape, can flow and take the shape of their container because the particles can move around each over. Cannot be easily compressed because theres no room for the paticles to go to.
  • Gases
    have no fixed shape or volume, can flow and completely fill the container that their in because their particles move around eachover. Can be compressed because their particles have space to move.
  • Limitations of the particle model
    • The particle model doesnt take into account the size and shape of particles or the space between particles.