centered on the premise “that all people at all times have access (including physical, social and economic) to sufficient, safe and nutritious food necessary to lead active and healthy lives”
stunting - people are too short for their age
wasting - people are too thin for their height
obesity - people are overweight
population growth
changing foods or diets
global food crisis
climate change
civil conflict or limited access to food-producing resources
natural hazards
compromising of food quality
population growth
more population means less resources (malthusian theory)
changing foods or diets
in china, india, and brazil (middle classes)
with greater spending power, these populations are adding more meat to their diets, which is driving up the cost of meat and poultry
global food crisis
global food prices has been on the rise and were especially exacerbated by recession in 2008
climate change
changing temperature and climate may lead to drought, heat wave, hurricanes, and floods