It is the gaseouslayer that surrounds the Earth - Atmosphere
It recieves heat and moisture from the surface and redistributes them - Atmosphere
It suppliesvitalelements needed to sustain life forms - Atmosphere
It is the solidouterpart of the Earth that provides a platform for most life-forms - Litosphere
It is sculpted into landforms which provide varied habitats for plants, animals, and humans - Litosphere
In litosphere, water is found in the uppermostlayers in soils and in groundwaterreservoirs.
It is the liquidrealm of the Earth - Hydrosphere
It is principally the massofwater in the world's ocean - Hydrosphere
It includes soildice in the mountains and continentalglaciers - Hydrosphere
contained in the shallowsurface called the life layer - biosphere
the zone of interactions among the biosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere - life
A branch of geophysics which is concerned with the study of earthquakes and the transmission and dissemination of seismicwaves within the Earth - Seismology
Vibrations that are usually generated by earthquakes or explosions - SeismicWaves
Records varying magnitude of groundoscillations caused by seismicwaves that travel from their point of origin through the Earth - Seismograph
Measure of th energy released at the source of the earthquake - Magnitude
It is expressed using Richter scale - Magnitude
In 1935, CharlesF.Richter of the CaliforniaInstitute of Technology developed a mathematical device to measure and compare the magnitude of earthquakes.
2 types of Seismic Waves:
• BodyWaves
• SurfaceWaves
It travelsthroughEarth'smantle and crust - Body Waves