set up a full-time statutory body for England and Wales to advise the government
The LawCommission consists of a chairman and four other comissioners
Chairman of LC
a high court judge
assisted by legallytrainedstaff and parliamentary draftsmen
S.3 of the Law CommissionsAct1965
requires the commission to keep allareas of law under review
Law Commission aim
keep the lawfair, modern and simple by the way of consolidation and codification
influence on Parliament
researching an area of law which is need of reform and then publish a consultationpaper setting out the present law, the problems with it and an proposal for change
may include an explanation of the law in other countries
aim of consultationpaper
gather as many view as possible from interestedparties by circulating it to all interestedindividuals, oraganisations and to the media.
Law Reform (Year and a DayRule) Act1996
abolished the rule that if a victim of a crime died after a year and a day the defendant could not be prosecuted
Contract (Rights to Third Parties) Act 1999
allows thirdparties to claim under a contract made for their benefit
Law CommissionsIntoxication and Criminal Liability Report 2010
aimed to remove the distinction between basic and specificintent crimes to instead provide a list of states of mind for self-induced intoxication. The government rejected this as they were not persuaded the forms would deliver improvement to the administration of justice.