Describe what you learned about infant-parent attachment in the module. The approximate length of the description should be a short paragraph, and it should include sufficient detail on what you learned. Then, describe how your current knowledge on this topic compares to what you knew before taking this module. Finally, describe your views on the following issues: a) how applicable is attachment theory to everyday life and working with infants, and b) what misconceptions about attachment do you think people have, and what is a correct understanding of how to apply this attachment theory?
Prof: 3 pts for a sufficient detailed and specific description of student learning. 2 pts for sufficiently detailed and specific comparison to prior knowledge. 2 pts for an informed and detailed description of the applicability of attachment theory. 3 pts for addressing current misconceptions as well as remedies.
Ex: Attachment describes the emotional bond between the caregiver and the infant. The type of attachment is determined by the caregiver, the temperament of the infant, and the opportunity to bond. The healthiest and most common form of attachment is the secure attachment. Secure attachment reflects a healthy and normal bond between a caregiver and a child. Behaviors displayed by the infant would include crying, searching for, reaching toward, or following the parent when they leave and would be soothed upon their return. Other forms are less than ideal but are not necessarily worrisome. However, disordered attachment may be indicative of abuse and should be investigated further. I have a better understanding of the forms of attachment and the factors that influence them as well as an understanding that there are multiple factors and not parenting alone. The application for attachment theory is really a jumping off point into investigating unmet needs of both parent and child. It may indicate there is a need for an adjustment or expectations, for example the parent's expectations of the child. There is a misconception that attachment is a reflection of the quality of parenting, but this is not necessarily true and biases should be addressed. Additionally, there is a common misconception that secure attachment and attachment parenting are the same and this misunderstanding may be harmful to both the parent and child.