resistance to social influence

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  • Resistance to social influence is when a person withstands pressure to obey or conform
  • Social support makes it more likely to resist social influence
  • Social support is a situational explanation because whether people support you is an environmental factor.
  • The effect of social support is backed up by findings from Milgram's study of obedience and Asch's study of conformity.
  • Locus of control is the is the amount to which a person thinks they have control over events in their life
  • Internal locus of control is when someone thinks they have control over events in their lives 
  • External locus of control is when someone thinks they don’t have control over events in their life
  • People with an internal locus of control are more likely to resist social influence
  • Locus of control is a dispositional explanation because it is to do with individual characteristics
  • Two explanations of resistance to social influence is social support and locus of control
  • Social support is associated with diffusion of responsibility/the more people who disobey the less severe the consequences are likely to be