
Cards (21)

  • Spleen
    • Large vascular organ
    • Lying against the diaphragm and 9th to 11th ribs in the left hypochondriac region
    • Covered with peritoneum EXCEPT at the hilum
    • MESODERMAL in origin
    • Composed of WHITE PULP which consists primarily lymphatic tissue (site of immune and phagocytic action) and RED PULP which consists of venous sinusoids and splenic cords (primary site of Filtration)
    • Occupies the left upper part of the abdomen between stomach and diaphragm
    • Oval shaped; notched anterior border
    • Weighs around 150 gms and about 5 inches long, 3 inches wide and 1.5 inches thick
  • Spleen
    • Relations: Anteriorly - Stomach; tail of pancreas, left colic flexure
    • Medial border - L Kidney
    • Posteriorly - Diaphragm, Left pleura, Left lung, 9th, 10th and 11th ribs
  • Gastrosplenic omentum/ligament

    • Between the hilum and greater curvature of stomach
    • Carries the Short Gastric and Left Gastroepiploic vessels
  • Splenicorenal ligament
    • Between spleen and left kidney
    • Carries the Splenic vessels
  • Blood supply to the spleen
    Splenic artery along the upper border of the pancreas
  • Venous drainage
    1. Splenic vein runs behind the tail and body of the pancreas
    2. Splenic vein joins the Superior mesenteric vein
    3. Superior mesenteric vein forms the Portal vein
  • Nerve supply
    Celiac plexus
  • Psoas Major
    • Thick, fusiform
    • "muscle of the loin"
  • Iliacus
    • Large, triangular on the lateral side of Psoas major
  • Quadratus Lumborum
    • Quadrilateral
  • Lumbar plexus
    1. Formed within the Psoas major muscle
    2. By the ventral rami of L1 - L4
    3. Branches emerge from the lateral and medial borders and from its anterior surface
  • Iliohypogastric
    • Branch from L1
    • Emerges from the lateral border of Psoas
    • Runs in front of Quadratus lumborum
    • Supplies the skin of the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall
  • Ilioinguinal
    • Branch from L1
    • Emerges from the lateral border of Psoas
    • Runs in front of Quadratus lumborum
    • Passes through the Inguinal canal to supply the skin of the groin and the scrotum / labia majora
  • Genitofemoral
    • Branch from L1 and L2
    • Emerges from the anterior surface of Psoas
    • Divides into:
    • Genital branch - cremaster muscle
    • Femoral branch - skin on thigh
  • Cremasteric reflex
  • Lateral femoral cutaneous
    • Branch from L2 & L3
    • Emerges from the lateral border of Psoas
    • Crosses the Iliacus and enters the thigh behind the Inguinal ligament
    • Supplies the skin over the lateral surface of the thigh
  • Lumbo-sacral plexus

    Lies on the posterior pelvic wall in front of the Piriformis muscle, formed by the anterior rami of L4 and L5 and S1 – S4
  • Branches of the lumbo-sacral plexus
    1. To the Lower limb that leave the Pelvis through the Greater Sciatic foramen
    2. To the Pelvic muscles, Pelvic viscera and Perineum
  • Branches to the Lower limb
    • Sciatic (L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3)
    • Superior Gluteal (L4, L5 and S1) – Gluteus medius/minimus
    • Inferior Gluteal – (L5, S1 and S2) Gluteus maximus
    • Nerve to Quadratus femoris
    • Nerve to Obturator internus
    • Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
  • Branches to the Pelvic muscles, Pelvic viscera and Perineum
    • Pudendal (S2, S3 and S4) - perineum
    • Nerve to Piriformis
    • Pelvic Splanchnic nerves (S2, S3 and S4)
  • Perforating cutaneous nerve
    Supplies the skin on the lower medial part of the buttock