Lying against the diaphragm and 9th to 11th ribs in the left hypochondriac region
Covered with peritoneum EXCEPT at the hilum
MESODERMAL in origin
Composed of WHITE PULP which consists primarily lymphatic tissue (site of immune and phagocytic action) and RED PULP which consists of venous sinusoids and splenic cords (primary site of Filtration)
Occupies the left upper part of the abdomen between stomach and diaphragm
Oval shaped; notched anterior border
Weighs around 150 gms and about 5 inches long, 3 inches wide and 1.5 inches thick
Relations: Anteriorly - Stomach; tail of pancreas, left colic flexure
Medial border - L Kidney
Posteriorly - Diaphragm, Left pleura, Left lung, 9th, 10th and 11th ribs
Gastrosplenic omentum/ligament
Between the hilum and greater curvature of stomach
Carries the Short Gastric and Left Gastroepiploic vessels
Splenicorenal ligament
Between spleen and left kidney
Carries the Splenic vessels
Blood supply to the spleen
Splenic artery along the upper border of the pancreas
Venous drainage
1. Splenic vein runs behind the tail and body of the pancreas
2. Splenic vein joins the Superior mesenteric vein
3. Superior mesenteric vein forms the Portal vein
Nerve supply
Celiac plexus
Psoas Major
Thick, fusiform
"muscle of the loin"
Large, triangular on the lateral side of Psoas major
Quadratus Lumborum
Lumbar plexus
1. Formed within the Psoas major muscle
2. By the ventral rami of L1 - L4
3. Branches emerge from the lateral and medial borders and from its anterior surface
Branch from L1
Emerges from the lateral border of Psoas
Runs in front of Quadratus lumborum
Supplies the skin of the lower part of the anterior abdominal wall
Branch from L1
Emerges from the lateral border of Psoas
Runs in front of Quadratus lumborum
Passes through the Inguinal canal to supply the skin of the groin and the scrotum / labia majora
Branch from L1 and L2
Emerges from the anterior surface of Psoas
Divides into:
Genital branch - cremaster muscle
Femoral branch - skin on thigh
Cremasteric reflex
Lateral femoral cutaneous
Branch from L2 & L3
Emerges from the lateral border of Psoas
Crosses the Iliacus and enters the thigh behind the Inguinal ligament
Supplies the skin over the lateral surface of the thigh
Lumbo-sacral plexus
Lies on the posterior pelvic wall in front of the Piriformis muscle, formed by the anterior rami of L4 and L5 and S1 – S4
Branches of the lumbo-sacral plexus
1. To the Lower limb that leave the Pelvis through the Greater Sciatic foramen
2. To the Pelvic muscles, Pelvic viscera and Perineum
Branches to the Lower limb
Sciatic (L4, L5, S1, S2 and S3)
Superior Gluteal (L4, L5 and S1) – Gluteus medius/minimus
Inferior Gluteal – (L5, S1 and S2) Gluteus maximus
Nerve to Quadratus femoris
Nerve to Obturator internus
Posterior cutaneous nerve of the thigh
Branches to the Pelvic muscles, Pelvic viscera and Perineum
Pudendal (S2, S3 and S4) - perineum
Nerve to Piriformis
Pelvic Splanchnic nerves (S2, S3 and S4)
Perforating cutaneous nerve
Supplies the skin on the lower medial part of the buttock