adaptations - not mock

Cards (6)

  • define adaptation?
    features of an organism that increase its chance of survival and reproduction and its offspring reproducing successfully
  • define behavioral adaptations?
    ways an organism acts that increases its chance of survival
    e.g. possums play dead if they're being threatened by a predator to escape attack
    e.g. scorpions dance before mating - ensures they attract a mate of the same species, increasing the likelihood of successful mating
  • define physiological adaptations?
    processes inside an organisms body that increase its chance of survival
    e.g. brown bears hibernate - they lower their metabolic rate over winter = conserves energy so they don't need to look for food when its scarce
    e.g. some bacteria produce antibiotics - they kill other species of bacteria in the area = less competition
  • define anatomical adaptations?
    structural features of an organisms body that increase its chance of survival
    e.g. otters have a streamlined shape = easier to catch prey and escape predators
    e.g. whales have a thick layer of fat - keeps them warm in cold sea
  • why do organisms from different taxonomic groups have similar features?
    convergent evolution - the independent evolution of similar features in different species at different periods of time
    --> the organisms have evolved in similar environments with similar selection pressures and to fill similar ecological niches
  • define divergent evolution?
    when 2 populations of the same species become separated by a barrier. they evolve to form 2 new species with distinct adaptations
    --> the species have homologous structures - appear superficially different but have the same underlying feature e.g. pentadactyl limb