Breeding and catching of fishes from rivers for human consumption, major occupation of people in riverine areas
Systems of agricultural production
Plantation farming
Peasant farming
Cooperative farming
Mechanized farming
Plantation farming
Use of large estate of land permanently planted with economic or commercial crops, land owned by government, private individuals or corporate bodies
Peasant farming
Subsistence agriculture, cultivation on small scale, land often owned communally, use of rudimentary farming equipment
Cooperative farming
Farmers come together to form associations or unions to obtain loans and aids from government to hire or purchase farming equipment
Mechanized farming
Extensive use of machines and advanced mechanical devices in agricultural production, ensures large scale production by replacing human labour with machines
Mechanized farming has not been popularized in West Africa
Mechanized farming
Use of harvesters, ploughs, tractors etc.
Importance of agriculture in West Africa
Source of raw materials
Provision of food
Provision of employment
Creation of market for industrial products
Source of income
Source of labour for industries
Source of foreign exchange
Development of towns
Provision of materials for shelter
Problems of agriculture in West Africa
Lack of medical facilities
Use of crude implements
Lack of credit facilities
Lack of storage facilities
Poor transportation systems
Problem of land tenure system
Problem of pests and diseases
Natural disaster
Poor marketing system
Rural-urban drift
Inadequate research and extension services
Solutions to the problems of agriculture in West Africa
Granting of credit facilities to farmers
Improvement of transportation system
Discouraging migration
Mechanization of agriculture
Effective control of pest and diseases
Provision of medical facilities
The use of research
Use of irrigation
Control of erosion
Farmers should be educated
Establishment of good marketing system
Agricultural policies in Nigeria
Operation Feed the Nation (OFN)
Green Revolution
The National Accelerated Food Production Project (NAFPP)
The River Basin Development Authority (RBDA)
The Land Use Decree 1973
The Commodity Board
Agricultural Development Project (ADP)
Directorate of Food, Road and Rural Infrastructure (DFRRI)