Orne and Holland 1968 stated that participants did not really believe that the electricshocks were real
Therefore, they only obliged to distribute shocks as it helped the study
As a result, the study was not really testing obedience
What is one strength of Milgram's study
It has high internal validity
Sheriden and King in 1972 did a replica study with puppies and found 54% of males and 100% of females delivered what they thought was a fatal shock
What is another limitation of Milgram's study
The study presents ethical issues
The participants were decieved and did not have the right to withdraw
They believed that they were providing realistic shocks when they were actually fake, and when trying to leave, they were told that it was imperative to carry on with the study
What is another strength of Milgram's study
It has good external validity despite being conducted in a lab
It focuses and highlights the relationship between the authority figure and the participant
Hofling in 1966 found that 21 out of 22 doctors obeyed to unjustified demands
Therefore, Milgram's study lab study can be generalised
What is one strength of Normative Social Influence
There is research support for NSI
Some participants were interviewed and said they conformed because they were self-conscious of giving the wrong answer
When answers were written down, conformity fell by 12.5%
Therefore, some conformity is due to a desire to not be rejected
What is a strength for Informational Social Influence
There is research support for ISI
Lucas in 2006 conducted a study similars to Asch were they had to answer maths questions
He found that participants gave wrong answers as the questions were hard, they relied on the answers they were given
Therefore, ISI is a valid explanation for conformity
What is one limitation of Normative Social Influence?
NSI does not predict conformity in every case
Some people who are really concerned about being liked by others are known as NAffiliators
McGhee and Teevan found NAffiliators were more likely to conform
Therefore, NSI underlines individual differences and conformity cannot be explained by one general theory
What is one strength of Zimbardo's study
Zimbardo's study has good internal validity
Zimbardo and his colleagues had control over key variables such as random allocation of participants and picking emotionally stable participants
As a result, it ruled out individual personality differences
Therefore, we can be much more confident in drawing conclusions about the influence of roles on conformity
What is one limitation of Zimbardo's study
There is a lack of realism
Mohavedi argued that participants were play acting instead of conforming to social roles
One of the guards claimed he based his role on a brutal character from the film 'Cool Hand Luke'
As a result, SPE tells us very little about conformity to social roles
One strength of Locus of Control
The research to support the link between LOC and resistance to obedience
Holland repeated Milgram's study
37% of internals did not continue at the highest shock level, while 23% of externals did not continue
Therefore, it increases the validity of internal LOC as an explanation for disobedience
What is one limitation of Locus of Control?
There is research to contradict the link between internal LOC and resistance
Twenge analysed data between 1960 to 2002 of locus of control studies
People became more resistant to obedience but more external, which is surprising because normally internalLOC is associated with resistance
Therefore, the validity is challenged
One strength of Social Support?
There is research of social support decreasing conformity levels
Allen and Levine conducted an-Asch like study where there was a dissenter
Conformity fell by 64% with dissenter and 3% without
Therefore, social support is a good source of decreasing conformity levels
One strength of the Authoritarian Personality?
Research support by Milgram and Elms
They conducted the F Scale with 20 obedient pariticpants (went to 450 volts) and 20 disobedient participants
Those who scored highest were the obedient participants
This supports Adorno's view that obedient people are more likely to have the AP trait
One limitation of Authoritarian Personality
The F-Scale is methodically flawed
Greenstein claimed that the F-Scale had acquiescence bias
Therefore, the questions were all worded in the same direction
Therefore, it would give the desired outcome for Adorno
Another limitation of the AP
It is politically biased
Jahoda claims that it only takes in right wing ideologies, despite right and left wing having similar concepts
They both emphasise the complete obedience to political authority
Therefore, Adorno's theory is not comprehensive enough to explain obedience over the whole political spectrum
Another limitation of the AP
The AP has limited explanation
It cannot explain the obedient behaviour of the majority of a population
Pre-War, many Germans displayed obedience and Anti-Semitic views, despite all differing from personalities; it would be unlikely that they all possessed AP
Therefore, Adorno's theory is limited as an alternative explanation is more realisitic
One strength of minority influence
Supporting evidence to highlight the importance of consistency
Moscovi's study shows the importance of consistent views having more effect than inconsistent
Wood carried out over 100 meta analysis and came to the same conclusion
Therefore, consistency is the minimum requirement for a minority to influence a majority
One limitation of minority influence
Moscovici's study can be seen as artificial, just like Asch's study
Research into stating whether a square is blue or green cannot be generalised into real world situation eg political campaigning or situations of life and death
Therefore, these results will lack in ecological validity and gives us limited knowledge of how minority influence is seen in real world applications