Eyewitness testimony

Cards (14)

  • Misleading information
    When people accept misleading information after an event and absorb it into their memory for the actual event
    tendancy to accept increases as time since event increases
  • questioning methods that affect EWT accuracy 

    Leading questions
    post event discussion
  • Leading questions
    A question posed to a witness that encourages them to answer in a particular way
  • Post event discussion
    When co witnesses to a crime discuss it with eachother their EWT may become contaminated becaus ethey combine their memories with others
  • Explainations for leading questions
    Response bias- they affect the answers given but dont affect the actual memory of event. The answer is given because the question suggests that answer
    Substitution- suggests that the leading questio affect the recall of the memory and distort the memory of event
  • Leading question experiment
    Loftus and Palmer-
    45 students shown seven films of car accidents and after answered questions on it. They used the critical question about “ how fast the cars were going when they **** each other?” Substituting the adjective
    The verb used significantly affected speed estimates eg “smashed” produced highest estimate
  • Explanations for post event discussion
    Memory contamination - the memory is changed because of new information being mixed with the original memory
    Memory conformity - doesnt effect the actual memory itself but instead people change their answers to conform
  • Post event discussion experiment
    Gabbert et al -
    used 60 uni students and 60 older adults showing them two videos of the same event but from different angles. they had to complete a questionnaire on the video but one group had time to discuss first
    71% of people who got to dicuss reported info they hadnt seen
  • Evaluation of factors affecting EWT : Strengths
    High internal validity - the resaerch is carried out in highly controlled conditions as all participants had the exact same conditions
    more confident in establishing the cause and effect
  • Evaluation of factors affecting EWT : Limitations
    Low ecological validity: both experiments use artificial events
    were told to pay close attention whereas in a real life situation you wouldnt know to pay attention
  • Other factors affect EWT
    Anxiety - witnessing a crime most likely triggers a high level of anxiety affected the memory
  • Yerkes Dodson theory

    Suggestd that performance is related to arousal. so when seeing a violent crime that causes high arousal and therefore can effect our memories
  • Explainations for anxiety
    Tunnel theory- when a weapon is involved in the crime it causes anxiety which focuses all our attention on the weapon so we are not paying attention to the crime
    Fight and flight - bodys reaction to a highly stressful situation, improves alertness and we become more aware of the cues in the situation
  • EWT anxiety experiment
    Johnson and Scott - participants listened to what they thought was a genuine exchange of either two situations eg knife or pen