Substances used for cultivation of bacteria and related organisms
Culture media
Ingredients are varied to meet peculiar growth requirements
Its components serve as food of bacteria, indicators, inhibitory substance, control pH
Classification of Culture media
According to physical state
According to Composition
According to their use
Solid media
Substances mixed with a solidifying agent, gelatin, or albumin matrix. Agar is usually added in concentrations of 2-3%.
Semi-solid media
0.5-1% agar is added.
Liquid media
Do not contain any solidifying substance.
Synthetic media
Whose exact chemical composition of ingredients is known. Example: Ringer's solution, Locke's solution.
Non-synthetic media
Precise composition for some or all of the nutritive elements not definitely known. Example: meat extract broth
Living Tissue media
Living cells present; used for cultivation of Rickettsiae and viruses. Example: HeLa tissue culture medium.
Simple media
Not enriched and where ordinary organisms are easily cultivated. Example: broth or plain agar media.
Enriched media
Include 5% sheep blood agar, enriched chocolate agar, and a number of infusion based media, all of which may be further enriched with additives. Example: blood agar
Differential media
Contains dyes sugars and indicators designed to elicit characteristic biochemical response (usually color) and used to differentiate groups of organisms such as lactose fermenters and non-lactose fermenters.
Differential Mildly Selective Media
Eosin methylene blue agar, MacConkey agar
Differential Moderate Selective Media
Salmonella shigella agar, Hektoen Enteric agar
Highly Selective media
Promotes growth of specific organism. Example: Lowenstein Jensen medium, Campy-blood agar, Bismuth sulfite agar
Transport media
Prolong survival of microorganisms when significant delay occurs between collection and culturing. Example: Cary Blair TM, Amies TM
Enrichment media
For stool cultures where normal flora of the stool are suppressed favoring growth of enteropathogens. Example: Selenite F broth, Tetrationate broth.