definitions of abnormality

Cards (8)

  • Deviation from social norms (DSN) 

    Concerns behaviour that is different from the accepted standards of behaviour in a community or society
  • Failure to function adequately (FFS)

    Occurs when someone is unable to cope with the demands of day-to-day living
  • Statistical infrequency(AO1)
    • Occurs when an individual has a less common characteristic
    • For example being more depressed or less intelligent than most of the population
    • Not often seen in society
    • Rare, not exhibited by many
  • Deviation from ideal mental health (DIMH)

    Occurs when someone does not meet a set of criteria for good mental health
  • Jahoda (1958) suggested that we are in good mental health if we meet the following criteria:
    • We have no symptoms or distress
    • We are rational and can perceive ourselves accurately
    • We self-actualise (strive to reach our potential)
    • We can cope with stress
    • We have a realistic view of the world
    • We have good self-esteem and lack guilt
    • We are independent of other people
    • We can successfully work, love and enjoy our leisure
  • One strength for failure to function adequately is
    • Represents a sensible threshold for when people need professional help
    • Treatment and services can be given to those who need it most
  • One limitation of failure to function adequately is
    • Discrimination and social control
    • Easy to label non-standard life choices as abnormal so in practice it can be hard to say whether someone is failing to function or simply deviating from social norms
    • Unusual life choices labelled as abnormal, restricts freedom of choice
  • Failure to function adequately may not be abnormal like during bereavement where someone is reacting to difficult circumstances