Dynamic Conservatism

Cards (29)

  • What was dynamic conservatism/modern republicanism?
    conservative when it comes to money, liberal when it comes to human beings’
  • What does a traditional republican like?
    • Individual freedom/liberty - government not interfering
    • Low taxes, small businesses, opposed same-sex marriage, limited gun control, support privatizing government controlled land - bought by private businesses, pro-lifeanti-abortion, anti-immigrant
  • Hampered by lack of support from Congress
  • Only had a Republican majority up to 1954
  • The amount $500 million spent on housing was insufficient to deal with all the problems in housing
  • During the Eisenhower presidency, the economy suffered three recessions and problems
  • Eisenhower’s status shielded him from the usual levels of criticism heaped on politicians
  • In Congress, there were those who believed that Ike had not used his powers as president effectively to protect individual freedom, and ensure justice
  • Some Republicans believed that Eisenhower should allow government to be ‘rolled back’ allowing private sector to take a bigger role
  • In his final years, the Republicans performed badly in the midterm elections of 1958
  • The Eisenhower administration was also blamed for a perceived defeat in the space race to the Soviet union
  • Eisenhower struggled with his promise to reduce spending
  • Domestic spending rose from 31% in 1953 to 49% of budget in 1961
  • In spite of increases in domestic spending, and the consumer boom, many Americans did not share in the new prosperity
  • One in every four Americans was living in poverty, and didn’t benefit from economy growth
  • Eisenhower unsuccessfully tried to assimilate Indians into mainstream Society when he introduced the Indian relocation act of 1956 which encouraged Indians to move from reservations to cities
  • Budget - wasn’t dynamic conservatism
    He emphasize the need for a balanced budget, which was achieved in 1956, 1957 and 1960 - “no security without a sound economy”
  • Government - was dynamic conservativism
    • Gave responsibility to local governments
    • Willingness to involve federal government in addressing problems of the poor
    • He created new department of health, education and welfare (headed by Oveta Culp Hobby)
  • Social Security provision - was dynamic conservatism
    expansion of Social Security benefit to cover 10 million Americans
  • Minimum wage - dynamic conservatism
    He raised the minimum wage by 25% which challenged ideas of ‘free market’ (republican) $0.75 to $1
  • Housing - was dynamic conservatism
    $500 million was made available for low income public housing
  • Roads - was dynamite conservatism
    Federal aid Highway Act 1956 meant 41,000 miles of interstate highways was built over 20 years - more people moved Westwood, which was good for the economy, especially as American cars being bought increased, a lot of things removed quickly like troops and weapons, however it cost a lot
  • Farming - was dynamic conservatism
    Establishing ‘soil bank’ paid for members to withdraw land from production in maintaining food prices and conserve agricultural resources (FDR did it too)
  • New states - wasn’t dynamic conservatism
    Admitting Alaska and Hawaii as states
  • Civil rights - was dynamic conservatism
    Introducing two civil rights acts 1957 and 1960
  • Religion - wasn’t dynamic conservatism
    Attended church regularly, proclaimed national days of prayer and invited evangelist to White House he also added the words ‘under Lord’ to the pledge of allegiance and ‘in God we trust’ became a national motto
  • What were the main features of Dynamic Conservatism?
    • Ike would rather spend money to improve America opposed to a Republican (old guard) spending it on defence
    • a focus on peace - not spending as much on defence and using money to build hospitals
    • invest in people - government want to spend money to help people
  • Why might ‘old guard’ republicans not like what they are hearing?
    • They believe in having strong defenses with weapons and fighter jets to prepare for a war
    • They don’t like the government directly people are interfering with their way of life
    • They don’t like big governments
    • They like strong defenses
  • How dynamic do you think Eisenhower’s dynamic conservatism was?
    He was very dynamic as he incorporated different ideas both Republican and democrat to ensure he could appeal to different parties