Geo Apple Notes

Cards (131)

  • 10 Canadian provinces
    • Alberta - Edmonton
    • British Columbia - Victoria
    • Ontario - Toronto
    • Nova Scotia - Halifax
    • Saskatchewan - Regina
    • Manitoba - Winnipeg
    • New Brunswick - Fredericton
    • Newfoundland - St. John's
    • Prince Edward Island - Charlottetown
    • Quebec - Quebec City
  • 3 Canadian territories
    • Northwest Territories - Yellowknife
    • Yukon - Whitehorse
    • Nunavut - Iqaluit
  • 5 Great Lakes
    • Lake Ontario
    • Lake Erie
    • Lake Superior
    • Lake Huron
    • Lake Michigan
  • Capital of Canada - Ottawa
  • Smallest province - Prince Edward Island
  • Newest territory - Nunavut
  • Highway across Canada - Trans Canada
  • Longest street - Yonge Street
  • Geographic concepts
    • Spatial significance (the importance of space on earth)
    • Patterns and trends (the arrangements of objects in the earth, noticeable patterns)
    • Interrelationships (the relationship existent between different patterns and trends)
    • Geographic perspective (the way of looking at the world involving environmental, social, and political implications)
  • Four W's in geography
    • What is where
    • Why there
    • Why care
    • What to do
  • Physical geography
    Natural components the earth provides (air, water, soil, etc.)
  • Human geography
    Components humans created (roads, houses, etc.)
  • Cartography
    A study where skilled people make maps
  • Cartographer
    The person who creates / designs the maps
  • Map
    A representation of earth's surfaces on a flat surface (using symbols and colours to represent specific features)
  • Large scale map
    Shows a small area, with big details (roads, buildings, schools, etc.)
  • Small scale map

    Shows a large area, with small details (borders, lakes, rivers, etc.)
  • Maps can be racist because depending on the cartographer, they can make a specific country bigger to show more "power"
  • The Gall Peters projection displays a true / equal map compared to the Mercator projection map which was distorting specific countries to be either too small or too big
  • The McArthur Universal Corrective Map was made by a student wondering why Australia was at the bottom. This map was flipped to change the perspective of people's opinions, showing then what it's like for their country to be on the bottom. This map isn't wrong, making it modern
  • 6 features of a map
    • Border / outline (frame)
    • Direction (north, east, south, west)
    • Legend (represents the map using symbols)
    • Title (purpose of the map)
    • Scale (tells us how smaller the map is compared to real life)
    • Source (the information used to make the map)
  • Written scales
    Used words to describe the relationship between a distance on a map and the specific distance in the earth's surface (1cm = 10km)
  • Representative fraction (ratio)

    The fraction is a ratio where one unit of a map equals a specific number of the same units of measure (1:50,000)
  • Linear scale
    A special ruler on a map that is divided into equal units of distance. Always has units of measurement on earth (0 1 2 3 4 kilometres)
  • On a compass, each direction is 22.5 degrees apart
  • Compass directions
    • Cardinal points (four)
    • Ordinal points (twelve)
    • Total (sixteen)
  • Alpha numeric grid
    A grid that uses letters and numbers (Lima - B4)
  • Atlas
    A book that contains maps or charts
  • Absolute location
    An exact location using degrees of longitude and latitude
  • Equator
    An imaginary horizontal line in the middle of earth at 0 degrees to split the northern and southern hemisphere
  • Northern hemisphere
    The north part of the earth
  • Southern hemisphere
    The south part of the earth
  • North pole
    90 degrees north
  • South pole
    90 degrees south
  • Prime meridian
    An imaginary vertical line in the middle of earth at 0 degrees splitting the eastern and western hemisphere
  • Eastern hemisphere

    The east part of the earth
  • Western hemisphere

    The west part of the earth
  • International date line
    At the other side of the world splitting the world into two halves at 180 degrees
  • The prime meridian goes through London, England
  • Time zone
    A part in the world in which every location sets its clocks to the same time