Histo recap ++

Cards (24)

  • HS testis
    -Endocrine + exocrine -> secrete sperm and testosterone
    -Tunica vaginalis: mesothelium + CT layerblend w CT of scrotum + testis
    -Tunica albuginea; dense collageous tissue, has many bv and testicular arteries and a network of anastomosing veins.
    -Vaginal cavitie = separate parietal and visceral layer
  • Intratesticular ducts
    -Straight tubules + rete testis (labyrinth like): carry spermatozoa from semineferous tubules to duct of epididymis
    -Tubuli recti: short straight that carry sperm from semineferous tubules to rete testis
    -Ep= Sertoli cells near semineferous and cuboidal cells near rete testis
    -Absorption + ciliary activity = fluid flow that bring sperm to the epididymis
  • Extratesticular ducts
    -Efferent duct: rete testis open in 7-8 efd, short and coiled w pseudostrat col ep, ep cells lining duct are ciliated
    -Epididymis: end of efd receive sperm from efferent duct, pseudo start col ep w large microvilli, princip cells secrete glycolipids/glycoprot, absrobs water and debris thx stereocilia, overall diametre enlarge in time.
    -Ductus defferens: extraepididimal continuation, brind sperm from epididymis to ejaculatory duct, surrounding by CT, sm m cells are served by axons, lumen has a sim col ep on a CT layer.
  • Spermatic cord
    -carry prin (testi) artery to blood organ and veins
    -arteries and veins side to side, blood flow in opposite directions=optimized
    -sperm t>corp t
    -arterie divid in apex to vascularized tunica albuginea
  • Vesicular gland or seminal vesicles
    -2 of them, very coiled tubes (15cm), enclosed by CT capsule
    -Mucosa has thin folds, glandular ep pseudo strat col cells and basal cells, lamina propria contain elastic fibers
    -produce a yellow fructose-rich liquid that up to 70% of ejaculation
  • vesicle gland: protaste
    -Are arranged in 3 zones:
    transition zone: periurethral mucosal galnd
    central zone: 25% of gland's tissue + periurethral submucosal glands
    peripheral zone: 70% of organ's tissue, prostate main glands
  • vesicular gland (bulbourethral gland)

    -gland tubular (boars, cats), tubuloalveolar (stallions, rams), abs (dogs
    -secretory portion have simp col epit + basals cells dep of testosterone
    -gland is sheated by fibroelastic caps containing str m fib.
    -release clear mucus to lubrificate during erection
  • HS penis
    -3 cylindrical masses of erectile tissued, contain cavernous spaced filled with endoth
    -penile uretra is lined pseudostrat col ep, in glans become strat sq ep
    -glans covered by the prepuce, retractable fold w sebaceous glandson internal surface
    -os found in carni, triangular, internal space filled with marrow
    -surface skin: start sq keratinized ep
  • HS renal cortex & renal medulla
    -darker red, large nb of renal corpuscules w round structure contain bv
    -renal corpuscules= blood filtration+iitial stage of urine, bulk has various types of tubules
    -structure contain straight and convoluted tubule seg
    -inner lighter, no reanl corpuscules, striated + segmt to radiate the medulla containing cortical collecting ducts
    -cortical labyrinth contains irregular profile sof convoluted tubues
    -contains bv, pro+straight tubules, collecting ducts, loop of Henle
    -tip of each pyramid = renal papillae
  • HS ureter, urinary bladder and urethra
    -Ureter: ep on basal laminae , has a support of CT, muscular wall of 2 layers of sm m cells, folding ep from tonus m, lumen dilates under pressure for urine
    -Urinary bladder: storage organ for urine, wall similar to ureter but 3 layers, elastic CT in wall for elasticity, urinary ep is folded
    -Urethra: carry urine from bladder to exterior, lined w transitionnal ep, then by st sq ep. In men 2 ductsfor sperm transport, consist of 3 segmet:
    *protastic urethra
    *membranous urethra
    *spongy urethra
  • Blood supply of the kidney
    -role to filter the blood, flow thx to urine formation, interrupt° of blood flow =renal faillure, each kidney has a single renal arterie
    -arcuate arteries=interlobar arteries from variable vessel, supply glomeruli, one afferent correspond to one glomerulus.
    -blood leaving glomerulus does not do so in a vein, but in an artery
  • HS liver=largest organ+largest gland, excretion/secretion/storage, synthetisis/phagocytosis
    -hepatocytes: cells of synthesis, storage and secretion, spherical nucleus, 25% are binucl, numerous lysosomes, developed rer and ser
    -bile canaliculi and bile duct: bile secreted in caniculi, function of emulsifing lipids in duo, caniuli lined by cub ep cells = cholangiocytes, small ducts lined w simp cub to col ep, larger duct is stratified
    -blood supply: blood from portal vein/hepatic artery, venous input is larger of 2 vessels, anastomosing sinusoids have thin linings of fenestrated endo cells
  • HS pancreas
    -exocrine + endocrine organ
    -each lobule has secretory units, apical rgion contains zygomen granules
    -pancreatic islets are islets of Langherans=spherical masses of endocrine cells, surrounding by tthin capsule of CT, 4 major islets: alpha cells, beta cells, delta cells and PP cells
    -into lumen of acinus there are flattened cells= centro-acinar cells
  • HS gallbladder
    -store bile produced in liver, tubular organ, folded mucosa
    -ep of tunica mucosae is tall simp col convered w microvili, goblet cells + endocrine cells
    -there is o muscularis mucosae that's a landmark of this organ
  • HS bone marrow (=myeloid tissue)
    -red or yellow (blood or fat)
    red: form blood cells excepted lymphocytes, reach the maturation in lymphoid organs destruct° of old RBC
    yellow: storehouse for fat, may be converted to red marrow, only found in vetebrae, hips, ribs, ect in adults
    -space btw trabeculae r continuous w main marrow cavity in diaphysis and contain marrow marrow cavity + spaces among traberculae r lined w thin layer of mixed cells = endosteum
  • HS thymus
    -covered by a thin CT capsule, thymic lobule in dark staining, cortex + lighter medulla
    -it's not a site of of antibody production so germinal center, thymic lobules well demarcated by CT , lobulat° is incomplete
    -BV enter thymus through capsule+travel along septa, then enter parenchyma.
  • HS bursa of Fabricius
    -peculiar to birds, blind sac'like structure on side of cloaca, wall is made of 3 layer: mucosa, muscularis externa and serosa
    -central lymphoid organ that seeds B lymphocytes to germinal centers of peripheral lymphoid tissue+spleen
    -aggregation of lymphocytes=follicles, densely populated outer cortex+inner sparsely. Free surface on avian bursacovered w col ep.
  • HS lymph nodes
    -lymph nodes: organized, shape like beans, w hilus where bv enter and leave, nodes, in cortex is organized lymphatic tissues, in medulla is loosely spaced lymphocytes, medulla contain T+B lymphocytes
    -lymph flow: at leats 1 afferent vessel, medullary sinuses r continuous w cortical sinuses, valves permit onlyone-way flow
    -blood flow: enters via arterioles, suplly blood to medullary cords + cortex, which have capillary plexuses
  • HS spleen
    -large pop of lymphocytes, filled w reticular tissues, contain blood cells, macrophage and ACP, is a dispensible organ, function as a reservoir of erythrocytes, splenic pulpe has 2 components: white pulp (20%, small masses) and red pulp
    -blood flow: splenic artery, ramifie in capsule and send branches deeper, central arterioles = arteries surrounding by PALS, junction of terminal capillaries has 3 theories: open, close, compromise
  • Blood flow theories
    -> open theory: no direction, cords as filters, capillaries en dby oppening in into splenic cords
    ->closed theory: arteries end in capillaries bed so loop is closed, cells in splenic cords get blood from sinusoids
    ->compromised theory: both ends, when need erythrocyte, connect° btw arteries and veins takes over
  • Peyer's patches

    -aggregated lymphatic nodules in small intestine
    -in young R,P,C = a single in distal jejunum/ileum.
    -is a large cluster of lymphoid nodulesin wall of ileum, has a role of diversification of preimmune antigen recpetors repertoire + expansion of early B-cell pop
  • HS heart + layers
    -heart: m organ, cardiac m in 4 chambers, wall chambers=3 major layer: internal endo, middle myo, ext epi
    -endocardium: thin layer of endo cells rest on a layer of collagen fibers, thicker layer deeper of CT (elastic and sm m fibers), also find modified cardiac m fib
    -myocardium: thickest layer, mainly cardiac m w fibers arranged spirrally around each chamberm bundles r oriented for most efficiency use of force of contraction, each cell have a single nucleus
    -epicardium: thin serous mb, inner portion of Ct+allow heart to move, simp sq mesoth w cells secrete lubrificant.
  • HS capillaries
    -small vessels, 90% of body vascularization, optimize change btw vein and tissues, associated w perivascular contractile
    -diff types:
    ->closed: move material in/out using a process of endocytosis+exocytosis
    ->continuous: well-dvp occluding junct° btw overlappg endothelial cells
    ->fenestrated: more extensive molecular exchange accross e,dothelium, found in endocrine organs, rapid mvmt
    -> discontinuous: sinusoids, max exchangeof macromol, easier mvt btw tissue and blood
  • Epiphysis (pineal gland)

    -cone shape structure in brain, parechyma = pinealocytes+astrocytelike
    -blood brain barrier isnt functionl, pinealocytes secretions easy access to capillaries
    -95%=pinealocytes, large highly stained, round nucleus, pinealocytes share a gap junction + extend axon, have secretory vesicles, produce melatonin in dark phase