Holds that behavior is seen in terms of future goals or purposes
The ability of a theory to be confirmed or disconfirmed
Source and Aim
Characteristics of an instinct
A person who gives into his/her sexual urges and cheats on his/her partner
Freud's concept of sexual or life energy
Freud's term for aggressive energy
The most useful and socially-accepted defense mechanism according to Freud
Unconscious takes different forms according to Freud, except for fantasies
Style of Life
Adler's term for a person's innately consistent traits and attitudes towards his/her environment
Organ Dialect
Adler's concept of how a person's physical condition or disability is expressed
Family constellation
Adler's term for a person's birth order, gender of siblings, and age spread
Organ dialect
Adler's concept of how physical symptoms can be used to avoid responsibility
The tendency to undervalue other people's achievements and to overvalue one's own
A form of withdrawal wherein one psychologically reverts to a more secure period of life according to Adler
The center of the ego in Jungian theory
Middle life
The most crucial stage of development according to Jung
Collective unconscious
In Jungian theory, this refers to repressed, forgotten, or subliminally perceived experiences that are part of the unconscious
Wise Old Man
The archetype that certain political and religious leaders may rely on to influence others, according to Jung
Jung held that this influences irrational moods and feelings in men
Jung relates this to "seeing around corners"
Collective Unconscious
According to psychodynamic theory, this part of the unconscious originates from the experiences of our early ancestors that have been passed on to us through hundreds of generations of repetition
The culture that Karen Horney took particular account of, which leads to exaggerated feelings of isolation and needs for affection
Both statements about Klein's relationship with her child Erich and eldest child Melitta are false
Object Relations Theory
The aim is to explain human connection and interpersonal relationship
Infants use this as a means to control good and bad aspects of the self
According to Klein, this grows out of the Oedipus complex
The position in Object Relations Theory where feelings of anxiety about losing a loved object and guilt over desiring to destroy that object are experienced
The fantasy that one's own feelings actually reside in another person, according to Klein
The feeling that Klein suggested the superego produces