
    Cards (20)

    • Actinobacillus
      • Gram negative, medium sized rods or cocobacilli
      • Non motile, non spore forming, non acid fast
      • Ferment carbohydrate w/o the production of gas
      • Urease and oxidase positive (most species)
      • A surface slime is present in the three major species and may be related to the stickiness of their colonies in agar. (A. lignieresii, A. equuli, A. suis)
      • Requires V factors (NAD) for its growth and improved by 5-10% co2 (capnophilic - Co2 loving)
      • Morse code appearance Virulence Factor
    • LPS
      Potent endotoxin
    • Surface slime
      Heat labile antigen (A. suis, A. equuli, A. lignieresii)
    • RTX membrane active toxin
      Hemolysis can kill macrophages and neutrophils at high concentrations. Can stimulate an oxidative burst at lower concentrations
    • Pili
      Specific adherence to alveolar epithelia and the cilia of terminal bronchioles
    • Sources/Reservoir of Actinobacillus
      • Commensals on the mucous membrane of their hosts, particularly in the: upper respiratory tract and oral cavity
      • Surface cultures have low viability and die in 5-7 days
    • Direct Microscopy
      Club colonies (crushed granules from pus or exudates)
    • Chocolate agar

      Containing V factor
    • CAMP Test
      Satellite growth on staphylococcal streak and improved by 5-10% CO incubated at 37°C for 24-72 hours
    • Actinobacillus lignieresii
      • Small, glistening colonies develop in 24 hrs
      • Sticky (viscid) on primary isolation but lose this characteristic on subculture
      • Non-hemolytic, and develop to about 2mm in diameter in 48 hrs
      • Grow well on MCC (pinkish - late lactose-fermenter)
    • Actinobacillus equuli
      • Hemolytic, sticky (remains even when subcultured)
      • Lactose-fermenter on MCC
    • Actinobacillus suis
      • Hemolytic with colonies similar to A. lignieresii but more sticky
    • Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae
      • Small (1mm) colonies surrounded by a zone of B-hemolysis
      • Does not grow on MCC
    • Actinobacillus lignieresii - Wooden tongue/Timber tongue
      -Cattle and Sheep
      -Entry of pathogen via erosions and lacerations in the buccal mucosa and skin caused by grazing rough pasture or some other type of trauma
      Diagnosis and Clinical signs and Lesions
      -difficulty in eating, drooling of saliva, presence of hard tumorous mass in the substance of the tongue, granulomatous lesions involving skin, and underlying tissues, usually head, neck, and limbs
    • Actinobacillus lignieresii - Wooden tongue/Timber tongue
      Treatment and Prevention
      -Animals discharging lesions should be isolated
      -Sodium Iodide parenterally or Potassium Iodide orally is effective TMPS, Penicillin + Streptomycin
      -Oral Isoniazid for 30 days (animals with refractory lesions)
      -Rough feed should be avoided
    • Actinobacillus equuli - Sleepy Foal Disease
      -Newborn foals and Adult horses (abortion, septicemia, peritonitis)
      -From a carrier mare that infects the newborn as it passes through her birth canal on its way out
      Diagnosis and Clinical signs
      -affected foals are febrile and recumbent
      -death after 1 or 2 days
      -foals which recover may develop: polyarthritis, nephritis, enteritis, or pneumonia
      -Microscopy and Bacterial cultures
      -Petechial hemorrhages on serosal surfaces and enteritis Meningoencephalitis
      -Pinpoint suppurative foci in the kidneys
    • Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - Pleuropneumonia
      -Pigs (all ages)
      Predisposing factors
      -Poor ventilation and sudden drops in ambient temp may predispose the animal,
      Concurrent infections
      -P. multocida and Mycoplasmas
      -Aerosol (from subclinical carrier pigs)
      -harbor the organisms in the respiratory tract and tonsillar tissues
    • Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae - Pleuropneumonia
      Diagnosis and Clinical signs
      -dyspnea, pyrexia, anorexia and disinclination to move, presence of blood- stained froth from the nose and mouth, many show cyanosis, pregnant sows may abort
      -Areas of consolidation and necrosis in the lungs along with fibrinous pleurisy
      -Microscopy and Bacterial cultures
      Morbidity Case fatality
      Case fatality
      Treatment and Prevention
      -Chemotherapy based on AST Vaccination
      -Farm management
    • Actinobacillus seminist - Epididymitis
      -Young rams and male sheeps
      -Ascending opportunistic infection (present in the prepuce)
      Diagnosis and Clinical signs
      -abscess formation in the epididymis, purulent discharge through fistulae into the scrotal skin
      -Microscopy and Bacterial cultures
    • Actinobacillus suis
      -Young pigs (3 months of age)
      -Endogenous infection (present in the URT of sows and piglets)
      Diagnosis and Clinical
      -signs fever, respiratory distress prostration, paddling of the forelimbs
      -Microscopy and Bacterial cultures
      -petechial hemorrhages in many organs interstitial pneumonia, pleuritis, meningoencephalitis, myocarditis arthritis
      Treatment and Prevention
      -Chemotherapy based on AST Disinfection of contaminated pens
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