Transmission: Endogenous infection, Direct contact with infected animals Aerosols, Contaminated drinking water, feed
History and Clinical signs and lesions: beak-breathing, sneezing, sinusitis with a clear nasal dischargefoamy-watery eyes (excessive lacrimation)
Lesions: nasal and tracheal exudates, collapse of cartilaginous rings progressive, loss of ciliated epithelium
Treatment and Prevention: Broad spectrum antibiotics early in the course may be beneficial, Vaccination (bacterins MLV), Thorough cleaning and disinfection of turkey houses after an outbreak of disease
Transmission: Direct contact with infected animals, contact with contaminated environment
History and Clinical signs and lesions: discharges from the nose and eyessneezing and coughing, head tilting, skin sores, matted fur, poor appetite difficulty breathing
Treatment and Prevention: Antibiotic therapy, Isolation of affected rabbits, Vaccination (bacterin MLV)
Predisposing factors: Overstocking, poor ventilation, concurrent infection with P. multocida type D
Transmission: Endogenous infection, Direct contact with infected animals contaminated drinking water, feed
History and Clinical signs and lesions: sneezing, followed by atrophy of the turbinate bones, which may be accompanied by distortion of the nasal septum and shortening or twisting of the upper jaw
Treatment and Prevention: Farm management (stocking density), isolation of infected animals from healthy ones