
    Cards (13)

    • Bordetella
      • Gram-negative, small rods or coccobacilli
      • Non-spore forming
      • Motile with peritrichous flagella (except B. pertussis and B. parapertussis)
      • Strict aerobes
      • Do not attack carbohydrates, derive their energy by oxidation of amino acids
      • Oxidase and Catalase positive
    • Sources/Reservoir of Bordetella
      • Upper respiratory tract of healthy and diseased human, animals, and birds
    • Bordetella avium
      • Respiratory tract of poultry, principally turkeys
    • Bordetella bronchiseptica
      • Upper respiratory tract of pigs, dog, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, horses and possibly other animals
    • Growth characteristics and Biochemical tests
      1. Incubation (aerobically at 37°C for 24-28 hrs)
      2. Alkaline to neutral conditions
      3. Hemagglutination test
      4. Serology (Tube agglutination, Microagglutination, ELISA)
    • Routine media
      • Sheep-blood agar
      • MacConkey Agar
    • Selective media/indicator medium for B. avium and B. bronchiseptica
      • Smith-Baskerville
    • Selective media for B. pertussis
      • Bordet-Gengou Agar
    • Bordetella avium - Turkey Coryza (Avian Bordetellosis)

      • Host: Poultry (turkey)
      • Transmission: Endogenous infection, Direct contact with infected animals Aerosols, Contaminated drinking water, feed
      • History and Clinical signs and lesions: beak-breathing, sneezing, sinusitis with a clear nasal discharge foamy-watery eyes (excessive lacrimation)
      • Lesions: nasal and tracheal exudates, collapse of cartilaginous rings progressive, loss of ciliated epithelium
      • Treatment and Prevention: Broad spectrum antibiotics early in the course may be beneficial, Vaccination (bacterins MLV), Thorough cleaning and disinfection of turkey houses after an outbreak of disease
    • Bordetella bronchiseptica - Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis (Kennel Cough)

      • Host: Dogs
      • Predisposing factors: Mixed infections of Canine Parainfluenza virus and Canine adenovirus 2
      • Transmission: Direct contact with infected animals Aerosols, Fomites
      • History and Clinical signs: Coughing, gagging or retching, mild serous oculonasal discharge, affected dogs may remain active, alert, and non-febrile
      • Treatment and Prevention: Antibiotic therapy for severe cases Isolation of affected dogs, Vaccination (bacterin MLV)
    • Bordetella bronchiseptica - Nasal Catarrh (Snuffles)

      • Host: Rabbits
      • Predisposing factors: Mixed infections (Pasteurella multocida)
      • Transmission: Direct contact with infected animals, contact with contaminated environment
      • History and Clinical signs and lesions: discharges from the nose and eyes sneezing and coughing, head tilting, skin sores, matted fur, poor appetite difficulty breathing
      • Treatment and Prevention: Antibiotic therapy, Isolation of affected rabbits, Vaccination (bacterin MLV)
    • Bordetella bronchiseptica - Atrophic Rhinitis
      • Host: Pigs (under 4 weeks old)
      • Predisposing factors: Overstocking, poor ventilation, concurrent infection with P. multocida type D
      • Transmission: Endogenous infection, Direct contact with infected animals contaminated drinking water, feed
      • History and Clinical signs and lesions: sneezing, followed by atrophy of the turbinate bones, which may be accompanied by distortion of the nasal septum and shortening or twisting of the upper jaw
      • Treatment and Prevention: Farm management (stocking density), isolation of infected animals from healthy ones
    • Bordetella pertussis
      Whooping Cough
      Man, Chimpanzee