
    Cards (14)

    • Hemophilus
      • Gram-negative, small rods, can be coccobacillary or produce short filaments
      • Motile, facultative anaerobes
      • Capsules may be present (H. influenza and H. paragallinarum)
      • Variable on Oxidase and Catalase tests
      • Does not grow on MacConkey
      • Grow best on chocolate agar under 5-10% CO, at 37°C for 3-4 days
      • Nutritionally fastidious, requires supplementation of X (heme) and V (NAD) factors
    • Direct Microscopy

      Fluorescent Antibody Technique (FAT)
    • Agar
      • MacConkey Agar
      • Chocolate agar
    • Chocolate agar

      Supplies X and V factors
    • Test for X and V factors
      1. Disc method
      2. Satellitism
      3. Porphyrin test
    • Hemophilus somnus (now: Histophilus somni) - Thromboembolic Meningoencephalitis (TEME)
      -       Cattle (young, recently introduced to feedlots)
      Predisposing factors
      -       Stress due to shipping, climatic change and regrouping under crowded conditions
      -       Endogenous infection
      History and Clinical signs and lesions
      -       weakness, fever, dyspnea, somnolence, blindness, erratic behavior, lameness, ataxia, paralysis and sudden death
    • Hemophilus somnus (now: Histophilus somni) - Thromboembolic Meningoencephalitis (TEME)
      -       fibrinous meningitis with arterial thrombosis and necrosis, widespread hemorrhages on serous surfaces and in muscles, enlarged, dark and edematous LN, hemorrhagic areas on the brain that can be several cm in diameter, fibrin thrombi found in the vessels of the brain and meninges, multifocal areas of necrosis and infiltrations of PMN cells
      Treatment and Prevention
      -       Antimicrobial therapy (Pen G, Ceftiofur, Tetracyclines)
    • Other diseases (H. somnus)
      -       epididymitis in young rams
      -       vulvitis, mastitis and reduced reproductive performance in ewes
      -       Septicemia, arthritis, meningitis and pneumonia in lambs
      -       endometritis, and late abortions in cattle
    • Hemophilus parasuis (now: Glaeserella parasuis) - Porcine Polyserositis/Fibrinous Polyserositis and Arthritis/ Glasser’s Disease
      -       Young pigs - polyserositis and meningitis Older pigs - arthritis, pneumonia
      Predisposing factors
      -       Primary infection by Swine Influenza virus and/or other bacterial pathogens such as Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Streptococcus suis Stress from weaning, transport, sudden fall in environmental temperature
      -       Direct contact or aerosol
    • Hemophilus parasuis (now: Glaeserella parasuis) - Porcine Polyserositis/Fibrinous Polyserositis and Arthritis/ Glasser’s Disease
      History and Clinical signs
      -       influenza-like symptoms such as coughing, fever, inappetence, and in severe cases lobular pneumonia and death of the animal
      -       Postmortem lesions, fibrinous inflammation of the serous surfaces, pericardium, pleura, joints, meninges in animals with severe cases
      Treatment and Prevention
      -       Antimicrobial therapy (tetracyclines, TMPS), Eliminate predisposing factors, Vaccination (Bacterins)
    • Hemophilus paragallinarum (now: Avibacterium paragallinarum) - Infectious Coryza/Fowl Coryza
      -       Birds (chickens) of all ages
      Predisposing factors
      -       Causes more severe disease in the presence of mycoplasmal infections (Mycoplasma gallisepticum) or viral such as: NCD, IB, ILT
      -       Respiratory route (inhalation), Direct contact with infected animal, contaminated water can also serve as a source of infection
    • Hemophilus paragallinarum (now: Avibacterium paragallinarum) - Infectious Coryza/Fowl Coryza
      History and Clinical signs
      -       Depression, serous nasal discharge and slight facial swelling that may extend to wattles, decreased egg production.
      Treatment and Prevention
      -       Antimicrobial therapy (oxytetracycline, erythromycin), Management (all in, all out policy), Vaccination
    • Hemophilus hemoglobinophilus
    • Hemophilus paragallinarum
      Fowl Coryza
      Japanese Quail
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