Leptospira interrogans Icterohemorrhagiae - Dogs, human, Cattle, sheep, pigs: Peracute hemorrhagic disease, acute hepatitis with jaundice, Acute septicemic diseases in calves, piglets, and lambs; Abortion
Leptospira interrogans Canicola - Dogs: Acute nephritis in pups, chronic renal disease in adult dog; Pigs: Abortions and stillbirths, renal disease in young pigs
Leptospira interrogans Grippotyphosa - Cattle, pigs, dogs: Septicemic disease in young animals, abortion
Leptospira interrogans Pomona - Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Horses: Abortion in adult cattle, Acute hemolytic diseases in calves and lambs, Reproductive failure in adult pigs, septicemia in piglets, Abortion and periodic ophthalmia in horses
Direct Microscopy - Dark Field Microscopy, Silver-impregnation stain for histological sections, FAT
Growth characteristics - no growth on blood agar or other routine media, Korthof and Stuart broths; Fletcher semisolid medium; Ellinghausen, McCullough, Johnson and Harris (EMJH); Tween 80-albumin medium
Animal inoculation - weanling gerbils, hamsters and guinea pigs
Serotyping - Microscopic agglutination test (MAT) using known specific antisera
Small rodents and birds constitute the main reservoir hosts for Borrelia and ticks (Ixodes) acquire infection when larval or nymphal stages feed on these hosts
Specimens - fecal samples from affected animals showing signs of the disease, deep mucosal scrapings taken from the large intestine
Direct Microscopy - Romanovsky stain, Dilute carbolfuchsin, or Victoria blue 4-R, Silver impregnation stain (histological sections)
Growth characteristics and Biochemical tests - Trypticase Soy agar with 5% blood and 400 ug/ml spectinomycin at 42°C for 2-3 days under atmosphere delivered by an H, + CO, envelope, Incubated 24-48 hours in an anaerobic environment containing 10% carbon dioxide