how an impulse passes from the relayneurone to the motor neurone.
impulse triggers release of chemical
known as transmitter
which is diffused and
released across the synapse
new impulse triggered in motor neurone
explain function of reflex arc
is involuntary and
bypasses the brain
to allow a quick reaction
to protect body from harm
describe how a scientist could compare the reaction times to changing coloured subjects
repeat measurements
calculate mean/average
control variables such as tiredness
Name the organisation which defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity
National Health Organization
State two ways that communicable diseases are different from non-communicable diseases.
communicable is passed from person to person
communicable caused by pathogens
explain one way that spread of communicable disease can be prevented
to provide immunity and reduces chance of getting infected
why are people with aids likely to be affected by TB
HIV destroys lymphocytes/weakens immune system
pathogen unable to prevent pathogen from entering the body
2 processes that occur in cells during prophase
chromosomes join
nuclear membrane breaks down
define cytokinesis
term used to describe the process which occurs after mitosis, when the cell divides into two.
describe how to adjust microscope to view slide at desired magnification
choose magnification using objective lens
for higher magnification on eyepiece lens
use focussing wheel
benefits of stem cell therapy
stem cells can differentiate
replace damaged cells
risks of stem cell therapy
risk of rejection
uncontrolled cell division
describe how cancer develops in the body
DNA mutation
uncontrolled cell division
lead to formation of tumour
2 safety precautions needed when removing blood
wear gloves
clean area of skin
cover wound after
use sterile needle
how to improve enzyme experiment so that optimum is found
use smaller intervals
repeat the test and calculate the mean/average
how to genetically modify bacterial cell to produce desired enzyme
cut plasmid with restriction enzyme
complimentary sticky ends
DNA ligase used to connect gene to plasmid
plasmid inserted back into bacterial cell
how structure a and b enable fertilisation
A is mitochondria- releases energy for respiration
B is acrosome contains enzymes to get through egg cell membrane