Lipo-oligosaccharides and Lipopolysaccharides - Potent endotoxin, Serum resistance, adhesion
Flagella - Play role in adhesion, in addition to motility
Heat-labile toxin - Similar to E.coli virulence factors
Microcapsule or S layer - high molecular weight proteins arranged in a lattice formation; confers resistance to serum-mediated destruction and phagocytosis and enhances survival in the genital tract
History and Clinical signs and lesions (severely affected birds are listless and lose condition; they may be hemorrhages and multifocal necrosis in the liver)
Microscopy and Bacterial cultures (fecal droppings)
Agar Gel Immunodiffusion, Complement Fixation test, ELISA, Serotyping
History and Clinical signs and lesions (temporary infertility associated with embryonic death, mucopurulent endometritis, irregular estrus cycles, repeat breeding)
Microscopy and Bacterial cultures (vaginal or cervicovaginal mucus from females; preputial mucus or smegma; fetal abomasal contents)
History and Clinical signs (metritis, necrotic placentitis developed along with the infection of the fetus, which often results to resorption or abortion)
Lesions (round, necrotic lesions in diameter with pale raised rims and dark depressed centers are evident on the liver surface in some aborted lambs)