Behavioural explanation

Subdecks (2)

Cards (16)

  • Strength - good explanatory power and application to therapy
    • The two process model improves Watson and Rayners classical conditioning theory
    • An important implication for therapists as it showed that people need to be exposed to their phobia to overcome it
    • once they’re prevented from using avoidant behaviour, the phobia declines
  • Weakness - Cognitive and biological aspects of phobias
    • cognitive and biological elements of phobias aren’t addressed
    • Doesn't explain cognitive distortions which worsen phobias
    • Doesnt explain intense panic
  • Weakness - alternative explanation for avoidant phobias
    • Not all avoidant behaviour is for anxiety reduction, phobias like agoraphobia have evidence to suggest that avoidant is more motivated by positive feelings of safety
    • reduces reliability of two-step model as it suggests its purely to avoid anxiety
    • However, agoraphobia is classed as an anxiety disorder so people suffering from it may want to avoid social interaction all together