
Subdecks (1)

Cards (46)

  • What is the meaning of Taekwondo?
    Taekwondo is Korean martial art.
    • Tae - kick
    • Kwon - punch
    • Do - art or way
  • What is the purpose of taekwondo?
    Mental and Physical development
  • What are the Tenets of Taekwondo?
    2. MODESTY
  • What are the whitebelt stances?
    • Ready stance
    • Riding stance
    • Forward stance
    • Back stance
  • What are the whitebelt blocks?
    1. Low block
    2. Double-arms middle block
    3. High block
    4. Single knifehand block
    5. Knifehand middle block
  • What are the whitebelt kicks?
    1. Stretch kick
    2. Front kick
    3. Out-in kick
    4. In-out kick
    5. 45 degree kick
    6. Side kick
  • Whitebelt basics
    (Forward Stance)
    1. FS Low block
    2. FS- Double-arms middle block
    3. FS- high block
    4. FS - middle block
    5. FS -high punch
  • Whitebelt basics
    (Back Stance)
    1. BS - knifehand neck strike
    2. BS - knifehand middle block
    3. BS - single knifehand block
    4. BS - knifehand neck strike reverse punch
  • Who is your instructor? 
    Honey Boy Cabbat Poblete
  • Korean Countings
    1. Ha-Na
    2. Dool
    3. Seht
    4. Neht
    5. Da-sut
    6. Yuh-suht
    7. Il-gohp
    8. Yuh-dul
    9. Ah-hope
    10. Yul
  • What is a Taekwondo?

    Taekwondo is one of the most systematic and scientific korean traditional martial arts that teaches more physical fighting skills.
  • World Taekwondo
    The international Federation (IF) governing the sport of taekwondo.
  • Philippine Taekwondo Association
    • Formally organized in 1976
    • Established in May 28 1973
    • Current President: Dr. Chungwon Choue, PhD.
    We perceive a nation with dynamic citizentry through the influence and motivation of Taekwondo as a martial art,science and sport.
  • Our Purpose
    To contribute to the development of our people by imploring values, enhancing their skills through constant practice and living the spirit of the martial arts through the psychology of sports.
  • Brief history of Taekwondo
    The beginning of Taekwondo can be traced by more than 2000 years.
  • Existence of early forms is evident in the Koguryo
    37 BC - 668 AD
  • Self defense
  • Forms/Foundation
    1 and 2
  • Self Confidence
    A person believes in his own abilities
  • Self Confidence
    • A person must first acquire abilities through constant study, training and practice
    • True self confidence is based on true knowledge about one's self and abilities
  • Modesty
    A humble opinion of one's self and achievements<|>Not being flashy or showy<|>Helps a person control disordered desire for excellence and creates an atmosphere for people to get along
  • Indomitable Spirit
    Not easily discouraged or defeated<|>Requires inner reflection to determine right and wrong, then proceeding to do what is right<|>Closely related to the virtue of prudence
  • Perseverance
    Taking the steps necessary to achieve a goal, despite internal or external difficulties, and anything that might weaken resolve<|>The ability to finish what one has decided and set out to do
  • Etiquette
    The form of conduct or behavior prescribed by custom or authority to be observed in social, official or professional life<|>The manner of acting correctly<|>Includes good manners and right conduct<|>An indispensable part of the virtues of courtesy, self-control and justice
  • 6 Basic Kicks (For White Belt)
    • Stretch Kick
    • Out-In Kick
    • In-Out Kick
    • 45 Degree Kick
    • Front Kick
    • Side Kick
  • 5 Basic Blocks (For White Belt)
    • Low Block
    • High Block
    • Double Arms Middle Block
    • Knifehand Block
    • Knifehand Middle Block
  • 5 Basic Stances (For White Belt)
    • Closed Stance
    • Parallel Stance
    • Riding Stance
    • Forward Stance
    • Back Stance