choosing a statistical test

Cards (15)

  • statistical test table
    name the unrelated design tests in the test of difference
    nominal: chi-squared
    ordinal: mann-whitney
    interval: unrelated t-test
  • statistical test table
    name the related design tests in the test of difference 

    nominal: sign test
    ordinal: wilcoxon
    interval: related t-test
  • statistical test table
    name the tests in the test of correlation
    nominal: chi-squared
    ordinal: spearmans rho
    interval: pearsons R
  • difference
    researcher controls what happens to at least one of the variables
  • difference
    researcher looks for a difference in outcomes between the experimental groups
  • relationship
    researcher observes what happens naturally without manipulating the variables
  • relationship
    you look for a relationship or pattern between things by using correlational designs
  • alternative hypothesis H1: It makes a statement that suggests a potential result or an outcome that an investigator or the researcher may expect.
  • The null hypothesis H0 states that there is no relationship or difference between the two variables being studied
  • if results are significant, null hypothesis must be rejected.
    if results are not significant, null hypothesis must be accepted
  • steps to choose the correct statistical test
    difference or correlation?
    if a study of difference identify the experimental design
    level of measurement
  • nominal data
    form of categories
    discrete - one item can only appear in one of the categories
    data is frequencies; cannot be arranged into rank order, no scale of measurement (counting and categorising)
    data usually gathered in terms of yes or no answers
  • ordinal data
    participants are given a score/rating that ranks highest to lowest/first to last
    data has a natural order
    intervals are not equal
    lacks precision as it is based on subjective opinion e.g how happy are you from 1-10
  • interval data
    numerical scales, includes units of equal, precisely defined size e.g height
    gaps between intervals are equal
    objective and shareable, usually collected with devices like stopwatch, thermometer, weighing scales
  • a researcher compared the helping behaviour of members of the public. it was counted how many people stopped to help a man dressed in a business suit and how many stopped to help a man dressed as if he was homeless
    diff or relationship?: difference
    operationalised IV and DV: IV: man's clothes DV: how many times people stopped to help
    experimental design: independent groups so it is unrelated
    level of measure: nominal
    statistical test: chi-squared