They can be recorded overtime by taking measurements such as length or mass or headcircumference.
What is cell differentiation?
It is when an unspecialisedcelldifferentiates to become a specialisedcell.
What are growth charts and what do they show?
growth patterns.
Give an example of a growth chart.

This --->
What is a sperm cell and its function?
Male reproductivecell and fertilizes the eggcell.
What are the adaptations of a sperm cell?
Flagellum- to allow it to swim to the eggcell.
Acrosome- which contains a digestiveenzyme for sperm to penetrate an egg cell.
Middlepiece-packed with mitochondria to releaseenergy when needing to swim and fertilise the egg.
It is a haploid (23chromosomes)
What is an egg cell and its function?
Female reproductive cell and to fuse with a sperm cell during fertilization to create a new organism.
What are the adaptations of an egg cell?
Cytoplasm-containslots of it which has nutrients for the growth of the earlyembryo.
ZonaPellucida-outerjellycoat of eggcell to preventmorethanonesperm cell from entering.
It is a haploid (23chromosomes)
How do you measure growth in plants?

Height, leaf surface area, biomass.
What is the calculation to figure out growth in plants?
Finalvalue-initial value
------------------------x 100
Initial value
What are meristems?

They are a group of cells near the end of each shoot and root that allowplants to continuegrowingthroughout their lives.
Give two examples of specialised cells?
Roothaircells- found on the surface of roots and they absorbwater and dissolvednutrients from soil. They have a largesurface area which increases the rate of absorption.
Palisade cells-Found in leafneartopsurface. It is where mostphotosynthesis is carried out and containsmanychloroplasts.
What is elongation?

The process by which plantsbecomelonger when growingthrough the planthormoneauxin.